Forward Head Posture Fix Review: Does It Work? Let’s Find Out!

Forward Head Posture Fix is an online program that teaches you how to realign your spin and unwind your muscles to correct poor posture in your head and neck and reduce neck discomfort, back pain, brain fog and headaches. A forward head position is now commonly referred to as “texting neck”, a condition that affects approximately 46% of people, particularly those who are regularly looking down at a screen or device. In fact, 73% of university students and 65% of people who work from home report having neck or back pain, according to studies. The good news: it can be reversed.

Forward Head Posture Fix takes you through a simple and effective system that combines different techniques to unravel the neck muscles to improve your posture and reduce your discomfort. Plus, you get extra tips for maintaining position to avoid problems in the future.

forward head posture fix review

What is Forward Head Posture Fix About?

If you’re experiencing neck and back pain, headaches or brain fog and are constantly looking down at your phone, computer or gaming device, you could have texting neck. Forward Head Posture Fix is an online program that serves as your go-to guide for correcting this issue at the source for quick, long-lasting relief. It’s a comprehensive program that is largely focused around a simple yet effective method that unwinds the right muscles, one-by-one, to realign your spine. This method consists of a variety of different techniques, including:

  • Muscle Re-Education Drills: to realign your muscles in the right position
  • Breathing Exercises: to release tension in the neck, shoulders and back
  • Mobility Exercises: to unlock the joints in your spine
  • Deep Cervical Flexor Training: to re-strengthen your flexors and restore balance
  • Self Massage: to loosen and lengthen the muscles
  • Static Stretching: to lengthen and elongate the muscles
  • Postural Strengthening: to maintain an ideal posture

All of these techniques are put together for you in an easy-to-follow routine that comes in video format. It’s also broken down for you in a written manual that comes with Forward Head Posture Fix. This manual also includes crucial information about your posture, concerns, alignment and healing. It includes all kinds of helpful tips and expert recommendations, and even has a self-test you can take to assess your posture on your own.

forward head posture fix download page
A look at the program’s download page.
Here is where you will access the materials.

Forward Head Posture Fix is digital, meaning everything is available you to in PDF and video format. The material can be accessed immediately upon purchase and used right from your smartphone, laptop, tablet or desktop computer. You can complete the regime right from home, with no extra tools or equipment needed. Plus, Forward Head Posture Fix comes with a 60-day money back guarantee so you can use the system for two months entirely risk-free and see how it improves your symptoms.

Who Created The Program?

Forward Head Posture Fix was developed by Rick Kaselji and Mike Westerdal. Rick is a well-known injury specialist and kinesiologist, often featured on numerous sports and health platforms. To date, he has made over 350 live presentations to over 8400 health professionals across North America.

Mike is best known for being the brains behind, one of the leading strength and fitness websites. He’s also a bestselling fitness author, sports nutrition expert and personal trainer. You may have come across some of his contributions in health and fitness publications such as Iron Man.

Overview of the Program

Forward Head Posture Fix is a comprehensive program that guides you through correcting your neck posture to alleviate texting neck and the many uncomfortable symptoms that come with it. The program comes with a written manual and a variety of videos that guide you through the learning and implementation process. The manual includes a plethora of valuable content that teaches you vital information about the issues you’re experiencing. This includes the common causes, risks, alignment and of course, the healing routine. These are separated per chapter, with the routine breaking down the individual movements one-by-one. The movements also come complete with detailed descriptions and photo tutorials.

Forward Head Posture Fix also includes a variety of videos that provides you with even more information plus easy, follow-along videos. It includes additional exercises you can do to further your posture and overall healing.

Here is a detailed look at what you can expect to find in each section of the program:

Main Manual

PDF table of contents
The PDF guide’s table of contents.
  • What is Posture and Why is it Important?
  • How to Assess Your Posture
  • Posture’s Impact on the Musculoskeletal and Neural Systems
  • Injury and Pain in the Body Caused by Texting Neck
  • Getting to Know the #1 Muscle that Supports Your Head
  • The Most Common Causes of FHP
  • Proper Spinal Alignment for Physical Activity and Peak Performance
  • Why Static Stretching Alone Isn’t The Answer
  • The Routine
    • 10 Movements
  • About the Authors
  • Other Products
  • References and Sources

This manual breaks down the details of your posture and the program, beginning with its definition and the reasons why it’s so important for your overall health and wellbeing, and ending with the “Sequential Flow” healing routine. It covers a vast array of topics, ensuring you have all the knowledge needed to fully understand what is happening in your body, along with the risks and causes.

The manual also explains why basic static stretches aren’t suffice when treating the issues posture-related issues. Then, it introduces a comprehensive routine consisting of 10 movements aimed at improving posture and alleviating associated discomfort. These movements are broken down step-by-step, and come with photos that show you how to perform each one.

Lastly, the manual ends with some extra information that can be used to further your healing.


  • Coaching Instructional Video
  • Follow Along Video
  • Exercise Swaps 1-5
  • Exercise Swaps 6 – 11

The videos are an excellent portion of the program that allow you to quickly implement the sequential flow and start the healing process. It begins with a coaching video that provides you with key information and recommendations for maximizing your benefits using this program. Then, you have a follow-along video which puts all of the movements mentioned in the manual and puts it into a flow sequence. Lastly, there are two videos that provide 11 additional exercises you can use to further improve your posture and overall health.


You also receive three bonuses for absolutely free:

  • Lower Back Pain Lifestyle Audit
  • 10 Best Natural Sleep Solutions
  • The Pain Hacker DVD

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • Comprehensive approach provides you with the knowledge and tools needed to improve your posture and overall health.
  • Offers a way to heal your neck and back issues and posture at home.
  • Aims to improve posture and alleviate symptoms, such as brain fog and headaches.
  • Method is 100% natural and easy, consisting of strategic sequence of stretches.
  • Suitable for anyone experiencing forward neck position or neck-related concerns.
  • Comes with detailed steps, instructions, photo tutorials and videos for easy learning and use.
  • Teaches you how to correct, heal and maintain your posture, and prevent future problems.
  • Can be used right from home with no additional tools or equipment needed.
  • Created by an injury specialist and personal trainer.
  • Provides immediate and long-lasting results.
  • Best results can be seen in as little as 6 weeks.
  • Digital format allows instant access.
  • Can be downloaded onto your tech devices for use anytime, anywhere.
  • Backed by a 60-day money back guarantee.
  • Includes extra resources to further improve and maintain a healthy posture.

Disadvantages of the Program

Forward Head Posture Fix is digital, meaning the content is available online and can be accessed from your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. There is no physical package that gets shipped to you. However, you can download and print the manual off if you’d like a hardcopy. Otherwise, everything is stored for you online.


Forward Head Posture Fix is an online program that addresses one of the biggest issues people face today: a forward head position or what is commonly referred to as “texting neck”. It offers a comprehensive knowledge on understanding, addressing and healing this issue to eradicate pain and discomfort and prevent them from coming back. As such, the program not only offers treatment and healing but also, a maintenance plan for keeping your neck, back and spine healthy. This is essential for many people in this digital age, as we are often looking forward at a screen and can’t necessarily avoid it. Plus, the program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, giving you two months to experience the results for yourself, entirely risk-free. So, if you’re seeing a hump appear on the back of your neck or are experiencing pain and discomfort, it’s time to address your forward head posture with this program.

download forward head posture fix pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the program safe?

Certainly. The program focuses on breathing exercises, stretching, massage, and gentle exercises aimed at enhancing posture and specific muscle groups. No supplements, herbs, or dietary changes are required. All of the exercises included in the program are also light and low-impact, making the program suitable for all ages.

Do I need any additional equipment to follow the exercises?

To use the program, you only need a chair and a floor mat, although using the floor directly is also suitable if you prefer. These exercises can also be easily performed at home, in the office, or anywhere you desire.

How long does the routine of exercises take?

There are 11 sets of exercises in total, which you do once a day. As such, completing all sets typically takes 15 minutes or less.

How do I know if I am doing the exercises correctly?

The program includes an eBook containing detailed instructions and pictures to guide you through each exercise. Additionally, there’s a collection of instructional videos demonstrating proper execution, along with helpful tips and advice for optimal results.

Can I find this program at bookstores or elsewhere?

The program is digital and sold exclusively on their official website, so you won’t find it elsewhere.


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(as of 15th February 2025)