The Stockpile Savior Review: Is It Good? Worth Getting?

The Stockpile Savior is an online program that serves as the only guide you’ll ever need to have the ultimate stockpile ready to keep your family safe in the case of a disaster. The concept of prepping dates back to the Cold War era, when people were concerned about nuclear war and the potential collapse of societal structures. Today, the idea of preparing for emergencies and being self-sufficient has evolved to include a wide range of scenarios, including natural disasters, economic downturns, and other crises. But let’s be serious: it takes a lot of research and time to prepare a stockpile that will last. Well, if you’re doing it on your own, that is.

With The Stockpile Savior, you receive a comprehensive, step-by-step guide that walks you through the process of building a bullet-proof stockpile in just 10 days. It comes complete with direct links to all the items you need, so you can quickly gather all of the essential items without spending a fortune on unnecessary things.

The Stockpile Savior Review

What is The Stockpile Savior About?

If a disaster strikes, you’re going to wish you were prepared. After all, trying to prep once chaos has broken out comes with a plethora of potential risks that could even be life-threatening. So, there’s no better time to get started than right now.

The Stockpile Savior is a comprehensive program that guides you through creating the ultimate stockpile in just 10 days. With this system, you’re provided with a list of essential items you each day for the next 10 days. These lists come with direct links and resources to the best options and prices, so you can quickly click and relax knowing that the items that can make or break your survival are on the way. By the end of 10 days, you’ll have everything you need and you didn’t have to do any research yourself. Plus, The Stockpile Savior allows you to avoid spending thousands on survivalist items that you really don’t need.

But it’s so much more than just a stockpile how-to. The Stockpile Savior has been designed specifically to work for everyone, no matter their budget or circumstances. For starters, it has been created to be easy to implement. It’s also a complete list of items that will cover your bases in every possible scenario, no matter how unlikely it may be. This includes all of the essentials for these potential situations, plus the stockpile items.

The program also comes with a comprehensive guide that provides you with detailed information on stockpiling. It teaches you the ins and outs of the process, while also ensuring you know why each item included o the checklist is a crucial item. After all, what good is a stockpile if you have no idea that the different items are for or can be used for?

The Stockpile Savior also provides you with some bonus guides for absolutely free. These include additional survivalist skills that you’ll definitely want to have in the case of a disaster.

Additionally, the entire system is digital. This gives you immediate access so you can start preparing right away – without having to wait for a package to arrive. This is key since a disaster can strike at any moment. The digital format also ensures you have access to the program right on your tech devices, such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Add on the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee that comes with the program, and you can check out the stockpile items and process for yourself and see just how valuable it is, totally risk-free.

the stockpile savior download page
A preview of the program’s download page.
After logging in, you will be redirected to this page to access the materials.

Who Created The Program?

Mark Anderson, a 53-year-old veteran residing in the heart of Texas, is not just a man with a passion for survival; he’s a dedicated family man who is a prepping and survivalist expert. Mike’s interest in prepping and survivalist began after the tragic events of 9/11. It was this moment that he realized the unsettling reality of being unprepared for unforeseen emergencies.

Today, Mark works at of, a leading survival website, as an expert on the topic. He’s dedicated his time to learning from disaster survivors those who have mastered self-sufficiency, including the Amish, the Mormons, and the Inuit tribe of Alaska. He also interviews survivalist experts as part of his day-to-day job survival experts, gaining knowledge that is undeniably life-saving.

Overview of the Program

The Stockpile Savior is a comprehensive program that sets you up with everything you need to build a complete stockpile in just 10 days. It includes a vast array of crucial items, allowing you to build your own mini Walmart, Home Depot, Wall Greens and even Hyatt Guns – all in one, and right in your basement.

The program is separated into two main manuals, plus three free bonus guides that expand on your knowledge. The first manual serves at the complete guide on stockpiling. From the basic concepts to limitations, pocket-sized kits, security, food, medicine and so much more. Each topic and category for your stockpile has its own section, so you can gradually work through it and learn at your own pace.

The second manual is a 10-day program you can implement to gather all of the items you need for complete survival for 100 days. It provides you with daily tasks to complete for the next 10 days, so you can easily grab the crucial food, water, hygiene, electricity, security and medical items needed. And you won’t have to waste hours researching what you think you need. You’ll also get options for each budget.

To show you just how valuable, comprehensive and essential these manuals are for your survival, let’s take a deeper dive.

A Bulletproof Stockpile Guide

  • Introduction
    • About the Author
    • Why Stockpile?
    • The Limitations of Stockpiling
      How Much is Enough? How Much is Too Much?
    • Redundancy vs. Over-redundancy
  • Getting Started
    • The Modified Rule of 3’s… For Stockpiling
    • How to Not Leave Anything Out
    • Principles of Stockpiling
  • The Pocket Survival Kit
    • Multi-use Gear
    • The Basics
    • Micro-PSK Checklist
    • Pocket Survival Kit Checklist
    • PSK Security Options
    • PSK Medical and Aid Options
    • PSK Exposure and Fire Options
    • PSK Exposure and Shelter Options
    • PSD Water Options
    • PSK Food Procurement Options
    • PSK Food Options
    • Communications/Signaling/Rescue/Self-recovery Options
  • Security Stockpile
    • Firearms
    • Selection of Firearms for Survival
    • Security Firearms Checklist
    • Less-lethal Stockpile
    • Improvised Munitions Stockpile
    • Improvised Munitions Checklist
    • Turnout Bag and EDC Valet
    • Home Defense Pouch
    • Home Defense Waist Pack Checklist
    • Loadout Bag
    • Loadout Bag Checklist
    • IFAK/GSW Trauma Kit
    • Resupply Satchel
    • Resupply Satchel Checklist
    • Hard Cover (Sandbags, sand, other types of cover, building materials_
    • Hardcover Checklist
    • Concealment
    • Concealment Checklist
    • Area Denial + Checklist
    • Small Units Tactics
    • Situational Awareness Stockpile
    • Alarm Checklist
    • Communications
    • Lights and Lighting
    • Lighting and Stockpile Basics, individual Equipment
    • Lighting Stockpile Basics, Group Equipment
    • Beyond the Basics, Individual Equipment
    • Beyond the Basics, Group Equipment
    • Optics + Checklist
    • Escape and Evasion
    • Restraint Escape Kit + Checklist
    • The Go Bag + Checklist
    • Go Bag + Aid and Medical Options
      • Fire Options
      • Tools Options
      • Cordage Options
      • Shelter and Exposure Options
      • Water and Hygiene Options
      • Food, Food Procurement and Food Preparation Options
      • Evasion and Self-Recovery Options
  • Medical Stockpile
    • The Short list of Medical Supplies
    • Individual First Aid Kit + Checklist
    • Individual Trauma Kit
    • Auto/Group First Aid Kit + Checklist
    • Home Medical Kit
    • Basic Life Support Kit Checklist
    • Home Medical Storage Kit Checklist
    • Group Trauma Kit + Checklist
    • Medical Books Checklist
    • The Long List of Medical Supplies
    • RX Medications Stockpile Checklist
    • OTC Medications Checklist
    • Bandaging/Wound Management/Burn Stockpile Checklist
    • Orthopedics Stockpile Checklist
    • Home Diagnostic/Nursing Supplies Stockpile Checklist
    • Advanced/Suture/Staple/IV/Surgical Supplies Checklist
    • Infection Control/Pandemic/Quarantine Medical Checklist
    • Oxygen Admin Kit Checklist
    • Home Dental Stockpile
    • Improvised Emergency Dental Care and Instruments
    • Emergency Dental Stockpile Checklist
  • Shelter/Exposure Stockpile
    • Survival Clothing Stockpile
    • Worn Survival Accessories
    • Personal Protective Equipment + Checklist
    • Survival Clothing Checklist
    • Winter Clothing + Checklist
    • Sewing Checklist
    • Boot and Shoe Maintenance/Repair Checklist
    • Exposure Checklist
    • Tents and Tarps Stockpile + Checklist
    • Heating Stockpile
  • Water and Hygiene Stockpile
    • Water Procurement Stockpile + Checklist
    • Water Treatment Stockpile + Checklist
    • Water Storage Stockpile + Checklist
    • Water Containers
    • Hygiene and Sanitation
    • Wipes, Wiping, Hemorrhoids, Diarrhea and Constipation
    • Toilets and Latrines + Checklist
    • Garbage + Checklist
    • Hygiene + Checklist
    • Showering and Bathing and Heating
    • Infant Care Hygiene Checklist
  • Food Stockpile
    • Why You Should Diversify Your Food Stockpile
    • Choosing Food – What to Look For/What to Avoid
    • Food Storage
    • Food Storage Stockpile
    • Food Caches
    • Food Preparation/Cooking Stockpile
    • What You Should Eat to Avoid Malnutrition or Scurvy
    • Cooking
    • Food Preparation Stockpile + Checklist
    • Food Production+ Checklist
  • Food Preservation Stockpile – Simple Methods To Keep Your Supplies Fresh
    • Food Preservation Methods + Checklist
  • Self-Recovery Stockpile
    • Land Navigation Stockpile
    • Transportation/Travel Checklist
  • Rescue Stockpile
    • Signaling, Communications and Electronics
    • Electricity Stockpile
  • Production Capability Investment Stockpile
    • Production Capability Investments
    • Workshop and Tool Stockpile
    • Outdoor Tools
    • Shop Tools
    • 20v Cordless Power Tool Checklist
    • Electrical and Electronics Checklist
    • Gunsmithing and Firearms Maintenance
    • Leatherworking Kit Checklist
    • Parts, Materials and Consumables
    • DIY Books, Reference Books and Repair Manuals
  • Survival Library Stockpile
    • Portable Survival Library
    • Digital Survival Library
  • Stockpile Against Specific Threats
    • Evacuation/Bugout
    • Bugout Bag + Checklist
    • INCH (I’m Never Coming Home) Bag + Checklist
    • Home Safety + Checklist
    • Fire Safety + Checklist
    • Hurricane/Tornado/Microburst/Severe Weather/Flooding + Checklist
    • Blizzard/Ice Storm + Checklist
    • Heatwave/Drought + Checklist
    • Earthquake + Checklist
    • To Do
    • Blackout/EMP/HEMP + Checklist
    • Chemical/Biological/Radiological/Nuclear
    • Chemical/Biological/Radiological/Nuclear Stockpile + Checklist
    • Nuclear Checklist
  • Caching
    • Principles of Caching
table of contents
The PDF main guide’s table of contents.

As you can see, the main guide is filled with absolutely everything you could ever need – from the knowledge and skills to the tools and equipment. It’s divided into several sections, starting with an introduction that talks about the necessity of stockpiling and finding balance between redundancy and over-redundancy. Then, it moves into practical advice in the “Getting Started” section, introducing the Rule of 3’s for stockpiling and offering principles to ensure a comprehensive and well-rounded approach.

A significant portion of the guide is dedicated to the creation of a Pocket Survival Kit (PSK), covering multi-use gear, basic necessities, and checklists for various survival scenarios. This section emphasizes the importance of security, dedicating a section to firearms, less-lethal options, and improvised munitions.

The guide also covers medical stockpiling, from basic first aid to advanced trauma care, shelter and exposure, water and hygiene stockpiling and so much more.  You learn valuable self-recovery and rescue skills, navigation tips, cooking hacks and really anything you could ever need. Each section and category of items also come with a checklist, so you can gradually collect and keep track of the process.

Your 10-Day Roadmap

This guide provides you with a 10-day strategy for gathering all of the essential items needed for at least 100 days of survival in the case of a disaster. Each day is separated into its own section, complete with detailed information on what to do, where to get it, what to avoid and many other valuable tips.

Free Bonuses

In addition to the comprehensive program, you also receive three bonus programs for absolutely free:

  • Free Bonus: The Invisible Stockpile Guide
  • Free Bonus: Riots Survival Tactics from a Hardened Policeman

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • The program offers a thorough and comprehensive coverage of prepping and survivalism, addressing a wide range of scenarios, from natural disasters to societal challenges.
  • Written by a 53-year-old veteran and prepping/survivalist expert who has real, first-hand from disaster survivors and lessons learned from self-sufficient communities like the Amish, Mormons, and Inuit tribe of Alaska.
  • The guide provides practical advice and actionable steps, so you not only understand the importance of prepping but also have the tools and knowledge to effectively implement the strategies.
  • The program covers all aspects of prepping, including stockpiling essentials, security measures, medical preparedness, shelter and exposure considerations, water and hygiene management, food stockpiling, self-recovery strategies, rescue efforts, and production capabilities.
  • The guides are organized into distinct sections, making them easy to read, understand and implement as needed.
  • Checklists are provided throughout the program, allowing you to systematically build your stockpile and address key factors.
  • The system includes real-world examples so you can learn how to navigate specific situations, including natural disasters, blackouts, chemical/biological/radiological/nuclear events, and more.
  • The digital format allows you to start preparing right away!
  • The guides can be downloaded onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
  • You have a two-month trial period with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Disadvantages of the Program

The Stockpile Savior really leaves very little to dislike, as it covers quite literally every aspect of prepping and survivalism. However, it does not come in a physical package. The system is digital, so you don’t have to wait or pay for shipping, but you also don’t get a physical book you can hold. You can always print the guides off from home if you would prefer to have a printed copy.


The Stockpile Savior is the ultimate program for anyone looking to start prepping and learning survivalism. From the importance of stockpiling and security measures to medical preparedness, shelter considerations, and more, the system ensures you have all of the information, knowledge, skills and tools needed to survive any disaster that comes your way. With clear organization, specific checklists, and a 10-day action plan, you can have a stockpile ready in less than two weeks – and one that is comprehensive enough for 100 days of survival. Add in the fact that you get two months to try this program out, and you have ample time to see how this program can ensure the health and safety of your family.

download the stockpile savior pdf


Can I get a hardcopy of the program anywhere?

The program is digital, so it is not available in any store locations. Instead, it is sold exclusively online on the official website.

Are there any discount codes available?

The author has not released any official discount codes and instead, chose to list the program at a reasonably price so that everyone can afford it without needing a couple.

Is there a discount or coupon code available?

There is no official discount or coupon code available at the moment. If there is any, it would only be announced on their official website so do check their website out.

What does the guide cover on?

The program covers literally everything when it comes to survival, including a vast array of essential topics, including self-defense and security measures, first aid and medical preparedness, considerations for shelter and exposure, water and hygiene management, food storage, and using self-sustaining devices.

It also covers specific scenarios, ranging from natural disasters like heatwaves, hurricanes, and earthquakes to potential threats such as EMP blackouts, chemical/biological warfare, and even nuclear events.

Are the tools and equipment needed easy to get?

Yes. The program comes with direct links and resources to all of the items, so you can quickly click and grab what you need. They can also be found at your local hardware store or grocery store – even amazon.

Is the program easy to follow and do I need any prior skills or experience?

Everything you need to use the program is either provided or taught to you. This includes step-by-step detailed instructions, images, checklists and so much more.


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(as of 10th February 2025)