Irresistible Texts Review: Is It For Real And Does It Work?

Irresistible Texts is a powerful online program created for women, and designed to give them the secrets to using texts to initiate a chemical response in men, often referred to as “the love hormones.” And it all comes down to science. Research has found that attraction is experienced when a cascade of hormones get activated: testosterone and estrogen for igniting lust, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin for creating attraction, and oxytocin for nurturing attachment. This program leverages the science of romance, attraction, and emotional stimulation so that every woman can captivate any man’s interest. And yes, it’s all about texting because that’s the number one way people communicate today.

Whether it’s through iMessaging, DMs or a right swipe, Irresistible Texts ensures you have the knowledge and techniques needed to activate a man’s emotions to trigger his interest and intensify your connection, all through text messaging.

irresistible texts review


What is Irresistible Texts?

When it comes to attraction, it all happens based on science. There are a variety of hormones that get activated when a man becomes attracted to a woman. It’s science. By understanding this, you can learn how to trigger those hormones to ignite attraction and spark the interest of anyone you desire. And yes, it can be done through texting.

Irresistible Texts is an online program designed to give women the upper hand in dating and relationships, simply through texting. But it’s not just any ol’ texting. With this program, you learn a strategic way to send messages in a way that creates the emotional response, attraction, and attention you want from a man, one text at a time.

It’s a comprehensive program that is deeply grounded in scientific principles and the chemical reactions that make up attraction. And although science can be complex, the process involved in Irresistible Texts is actually quite simple. It’s put together for you in a 5-step approach, with each step focuses on activating a specific key hormone:

  • Step one: triggering testosterone to get him to pursue you.
  • Step two: boosting dopamine to keep him invested in pursuing you.
  • Step three: enhancing androgen to keep him coming back for more of your attention.
  • Step four: activating endorphins so he associates those positive feelings with you.
  • Step five: increasing oxytocin to strengthen your connection.

In this program, you learn how to use each step individually and as a whole to have a science-based approach to dating and relationships. As such, you’re provided with an abundance of expert advice, guidance, knowledge and techniques every step of the way. This includes text examples, possible scenarios, illustrations, videos tutorials and so much more.

In addition to learning how to text, you also learn important tips on overcoming common dating and texting obstacles, being ghosted, being left on read, and many other common roadblocks that can come with text messages.

Best of all: everything is digital, so you’ll always know what to say and how to text, anytime a text comes through. All of the content becomes available to you online immediately after purchase and you can download the content right onto your personal devices for discreet access anytime you need.

irresistible texts download page
Preview of how the member’s download page looks like.
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Irresistible Texts is also supported by a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee, giving you two months to use this approach and see how it transforms your communication and increases your attraction – with a simple text, or rather, a strategic approach to texting. 

Who Created The Program?

The author of Irresistible Texts is Matt Coast, a highly respected and incredibly popular dating and relationship coach. Matt has made appearances on CNN, ABC, and Success Magazine, as well as many other notable media outlets, and has more than 20 years of experience helping people achieve the love and relationships they desire. Matt’s unique and modern approach has earned him the title of being a leading expert, author, and entrepreneur in the dating and relationship field. He has produced many books, articles, and programs, has a successful YouTube channel and is the founder and CEO of Project U, an initiative committed to empowering people to live their lives with passion.

Overview of The Program

Irresistible Texts is the ultimate program for learning how to send the right text messages to trigger the emotions and response you desire from a man. It’s a comprehensive system that teaches you a simple, 5-step science-based approach to text messages that activate the hormones responsible for creating lust and attraction.

With this program, you receive a written manual that breaks down each individual step and provides you with an abundance of expert advice, guidance, and strategic texting techniques. Each chapter focuses on one of the five steps, providing you with powerful information and tools for activating that specific hormone. They come complete with text examples, lists of methods to use to trigger the response you’re looking for, additional tips and so much more.

The program also comes with a collection of videos that provide you with even more information and tips for creating attraction, romance and love via text and overcoming situations where you simply don’t know what to say.

As a whole, it serves as the ultimate system for knowing what to text, when to text and how to text to get the reaction you’re after.

Here’s a more detailed look at what you can expect from the program as a whole:

Main Manual

irresistible texts table of contents
The PDF Main Manual’s table of contents.
  • Chapter 1: Testosterone – How to Make Him Want to Pursue You
    • Step 1: Keep him interested in you by giving him new challenges
    • Example: Testosterone-Motivation Texts

The first chapter gives you a quick introduction to the program. It then dives right into the activation of the first hormone: testosterone. This crucial sex hormone is closely tied to a man’s sense of self, his physiological reactions, and his overall well-being. You learn how to effectively trigger this hormone to get any many excited to pursue you. It also explores the behavioral patterns that men typically display when their testosterone levels surge, equipping you with insights to keep him engaged and motivated for further interactions.

  • Chapter 2: Dopamine – Fuel His Anticipation
    • Step 2: Get him addicted to you by making this more about him
    • Example: Dopamine-Motivation Texts

In the second chapter, you learn techniques for triggering dopamine, a hormone that is often dubbed as the “happy hormone.” This neurotransmitter is closely associated with the sensations of pleasure, happiness, motivation, heightened focus, and alertness. It’s also responsible for sparking the natural inclination to seek out rewards. This section guides you through various techniques, including ways to prompt him to seek your response – essentially earning his “reward” of your attention. You’ll also discover methods to evoke those joyful sentiments through text, explore activities that align with the dopamine effect during a date, and uncover all kinds of helpful information and tips.

  • Chapter 3: Androgen – Sex and Power, a Male Perspective
    • Step 3: Keep him coming back by making him feel like a king
    • Example: Androgen-Motivation Texts

In this chapter, you learn about a significant sex hormone that intertwines with one’s demeanor and romantic encounters. It teaches you about the emotions a man desires to experience while being flirted with – qualities that inherently enhance his appeal to women. For example, if he seeks a sense of allure and you ignite that allure within him, he will instantly start to perceive you as more attractive. It’s a reciprocal process.

You also receive effective text samples to do this, as well as supplementary techniques to further increase his attraction toward you.

  • Chapter 4: Endorphins – The Positive Associations Drugs
    • Step 4: Keep him invested in you by only feeding him positive memories and discussions
    • Example: Endorphin-Motivation Texts

This chapter introduces you to uncomplicated methods for increasing endorphins, which evoke a euphoric sensation often associated with love, pleasure, and intimacy. The emphasis here lies in engaging your man more deeply in your text exchanges by establishing positive associations with you. By doing so, you’ll be using texts that uplift his mood, leading him to return for more interactions because he appreciates the positive emotions you evoke in him.

  • Chapter 5: Oxytocin – Teach Him How to Bond
    • Step 5: Don’t just love him… give him tasks so that he can show proof of his love
    • Example: Oxytocin-Motivation Texts

In the last chapter, you learn the final piece of the puzzle: the activation of oxytocin, often referred to as the love hormone. It teaches you how to create emotional bonding through texting and beyond, complete with examples and text samples.

  • Conclusion


Additionally, the program includes a range of videos that tackle common challenges people often encounter while texting a guy. Whether it’s dealing with being ghosted, navigating difficult phone conversations, or finding the right words after a date or intimate encounter, these videos offer expert advice and strategies to help you overcome any obstacles that may arise.

  1. Winning Mindsets Video
  2. Common Texting Mistakes Women Make
  3. Get Him to Text Back Quickly (Immediately)
  4. What to Text to Get Him to Call You on the Phone
  5. How to Get Him to Text You Daily
  6. Get Him to Take You Out on Dates (Preventing Text Buddies)
  7. Get Him to Take You Out on Dates (Preventing Sex Buddies)
  8. What to Text After Sex
  9. What to Do When He Pulls Away
  10. What to Text Him When He Pulls Away Pt. 1 and Pt. 2
  11. What to Text Him to Get Him to Want to Meet Up
  12. What to Text to Get a 2nd and 3rd Date

Free Bonuses

As an added feature, you also receive access to a variety of free bonuses, such as:

  • Free Bonus #1: This 5 Word Text Destroys His Attraction and Interest in Your Video
  • Free Bonus #2: 4 Steps to Make Him Chase You Over Text Video
  • Free Bonus #3: Texts That Make Him Chase Video
  • Free Bonus #4: What to Do When He Ghosts You Video 

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • The approach is based on the science of attraction, romance and love.
  • You receive simple texting techniques to elicit desired responses from the man you’re communicating with.
  • Exclusively designed for women.
  • Created by an experienced dating and relationship coach.
  • Aims to help women create interest, passion, and attraction through text messaging.
  • Follows a straightforward process that involves 5 easy steps.
  • Suitable for women of all ages and relationship statuses
  • Based on science related to hormones and chemical reactions, so the approach can be effective on any man.
  • Provides you with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and sample texts.
  • Easy to learn and integrate into your daily interactions.
  • You receive immediate access upon purchase.
  • Can be downloaded onto your personal tech devices for convenient use anytime and anywhere.
  • Backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, ensuring your satisfaction.

Disadvantages of the Program

Irresistible Texts is a digital program, meaning all of the content is online and can be downloaded onto your tech devices for easy, convenient use. You don’t have to wait or pay for shipping, and everything is right there for you whenever you need it. No physical package is needed.

However, if you would like a printed copy you can always print the manual off from home.


Irresistible Texts is the perfect guide for learning how to text men – period. It’s a comprehensive system that shows you how the right strategy for texting can lead a man straight to your heart, or better yet, make him chase after you. And it’s all based on science. The program sets you up with all the knowledge and techniques needed to compose the kind of text messages that can trigger the very hormones and chemical responses associated with attraction, romance, deep emotions, and ultimately, love. So, instead of hitting “send” and crossing your fingers for the response you want, you can confidently send messages knowing that you’re triggering the emotions that will get you the response you desire. Best of all, you can give it a shot risk-free with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee and see how texting with strategy can land you the guy and relationship you want.

download irresistible texts PDF

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get this program from a bookstore?

The program is digital, so you won’t be able to find it in a store location. Instead, it’s sold exclusively on the official website and can be accessed online or downloaded onto your tech devices.  

What if I don’t know how to use the techniques?

Rest assured, you will. The program comes with detailed information explaining the techniques, step-by-step instructions, descriptions and text examples to ensure you know exactly what to do. There are also several video tutorials provided that help you navigate any obstacles that can come from texting, such as being ghosted, being left on read, not knowing what to say, and so on and so forth.

Can I get personal one-on-one coaching?

While there is no one-on-one coaching available, you do receive access to a private Facebook group where you can share your experiences and advice, and seek advice from other members using the program.

Is there a discount code?

The author has not released any discounts for the program. However, to ensure your satisfaction, they do offer a 60-day money-back guarantee.


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(as of 22nd October 2024)