The TMJ Solution Review: Do The Exercises Work? What Is It Like?

The TMJ Solution is the perfect online program for learning how to alleviate your TMJ symptoms – for good – and without having to resort to Botox, mouth guards, splints, or invasive surgeries. While there’s no denying that these other treatment options can help, many of them are extremely costly, unnatural and come with a long-list of potential side effects. That’s also not to forget mentioning that they often work at a surface level, never actually addressing the issue that is causing your symptoms in the first place. The good news: that’s about to change.

The TMJ Solution offers a natural solution that aims to address the cause of TMJ at the source for quick, effective and long-lasting relief. It’s super simple regime that comes with all the knowledge and techniques needed to gently release tension and stress from the areas contributing to your TMJ, so you can easily start healing right from the comfort of your home.

the tmj solution review


What is The TMJ Solution?

Whether you’re grappling with TMJ pain for the first time or have been enduring it for an extended period, it’s time to learn how to effectively alleviate your symptoms right here, right now.

The TMJ Solution is an online program designed to help those dealing pain and discomfort in their jaw joint or surrounding areas. TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a common condition that affects approximately 10 million people in the United States, causing pain in the jaw joint and facial muscles around it. It’s a fairly harmless condition that rarely develops beyond annoying symptoms, but it does have the potential to wreak havoc on your life and even damage your jaw joint.

With the TMJ Solution, you learn a natural and effective approach to tackling TMJ symptoms at the root, leading to permanent relief. It’s incredibly simple and consists of using a series of gentle, therapeutic movements and mindful exercises designed to release stress, tension and pinched nerves causing your discomfort. This allows you to address the underlying causes of your TMJ symptoms for lasting relief, instead of covering them up with some pain relief medications, only to have the problem return a couple weeks from now.  Not only that but the various types of exercises and areas you’ll be focusing on allows you to address TMJ from all angles to ensure a thorough treatment from all angles for maximum comfort.

The TMJ Solution is completely natural and can be done right from the comfort of your own home. No additional equipment or tools are needed, and all of the techniques come with a detailed breakdown and step-by-step instructions so you can use the program with ease. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete each day and a typical session involves two simple steps:

  1. Select a movement from each category of physical movements (jaw, tongue, throat, neck, shoulders, etc.) and practice them daily.
  2. Choose one exercise from other categories (relaxation, attitude, communications, etc.) and engage in them 3 to 4 times per week.

This approach not only relieves physical symptoms but also addresses mental health aspects such as abrupt mood shifts, anger, irritability, and frustration that can come with TMJ. Beyond the treatment plans and exercises, the program also provides you with an abundance of valuable information that guide you along the way.

The TMJ Solution Download Page
A preview of the program’s download page.
Here is where you will access the program’s materials.

Getting started is easy too! The entire system is digital, so you receive instant access and can download the material right onto your tech devices for convenient use anytime, anywhere. This makes it easy to commit to using the program each day and ultimately, receiving the relief you’re looking for. You can also choose to receive a physical guide or CD through the mail for a small fee. Whatever option you choose, you have two months to try the entire system out risk-free, as it’s backed by a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Who Created The Program?

The author of The TMJ Solution is natural health researcher and expert, Christian Goodman. He is highly respected within the natural health and wellness industry and is often recognized as a leading expert. Christian is the CEO at Blue Heron Health News, a popular website for natural health resources that help people heal their health conditions and concerns holistically. Christian has also created many other successful health programs, each offering individuals effective and natural remedies to address their health concerns, and is a contributing author in many medical reports and articles.

Overview of The Program

The TMJ Solution is a comprehensive program that serves as the ultimate guide for eliminating the symptoms of TMJ naturally using a series of gentle stretches and exercises. The method is 100% natural and designed to tackle the issue at the source by targeting tension in and around your jaw joint.

The program is put together for you in one simple guide, which is also available as an audio file, and walks you through the process step-by-step. It includes a collection of physical movement categories that pertain to your jaw, tongue, throat, neck and shoulders, as well as a series of mindful experiences.

It’s recommended to complete these exercises each day or a minimum of 3 to 4 times each week. They only take a couple of minutes to do, so it’s really easy to incorporate the regime into your daily schedule. Each of the exercises provided also come with detailed instructions and diagrams that show you how to perform each for maximum relief.

In addition to the exercises, you are also provided with an abundance of reliable health information that helps you narrow in on the specific characteristics of your TMJ.

The TMJ solution table of contents
The PDF manual’s table of contents.

Here is a closer look at what you receive with this program:

  • Curing Your Self of TMJ
    • What Causes TMJ
    • How to Cure Yourself of TMJ
    • How to Work the Program
    • Examples

The program begins with a section that provides you with important information about TMJ and the various factors that may be causing your symptoms. You can use this as valuable insight into your specific condition and symptoms, or to simply gain a deeper understanding of TMJ and how this program works to eliminate it.

The information is presented to you in various ways, from concise paragraphs to bullet points and charts, so you can quickly gain all the knowledge needed before getting started.  One particularly helpful section is the chart that goes over the symptoms you may be experiencing and where you may be experiencing them. It covers eye pain and problems, head pain, headaches and facial pain, mouth, face, cheek and chin problems, teeth and gum problems, jaw and jaw joint problems, ear pain, ear problems and postural imbalances, throat problems, and neck and shoulder problems. You may even find that some of your symptoms you thought were something else are, in fact, TMJ.

  • All Exercises in the Program
    • Jaw Exercises
      • Examples: Chewing, gargling, laughing, etc.
      Tongue Exercises
      • Example: Tongue rolling, tongue stretching, etc.
      Body Exercises
      • Examples: Shoulder rolling, chin dropping, head rolling, etc.
      Breathing Exercises
      • Examples: Exhaling all air, mouth and nose breathing, etc.
      Relaxation Exercises
      • Examples: Doing nothing, relaxing, etc.
      Attitude Exercises
      • Examples: The 1-2 rule, positivity, realize your joy, etc.
    • Communication Exercises
      • Examples: Talking things out, etc.
  • Final words

The next part of the program contains all of the exercises that make up the healing regime. Each exercise is thoroughly explained with step-by-step instructions and diagrams that guide you through the process from start to finish. The exercises are also put into categories based on the area that they target, such as your jaw, body, breath, and so on and so forth. You also receive pre-made example plans that you can follow along, or you can customize the program to suit your specific needs.

Free Bonuses

As an added bonus, the program provides you with free self-hypnosis audio files that can be used to improve other aspects of your health, many of which can help further alleviate TMJ.

  • Weight Loss
  • Stop Smoking
  • Stress Relief
  • Concentration
  • Confidence

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • The program offers a straightforward approach to healing your TMJ at the source.
  • Aims to target your symptoms at the root cause to heal the problem for long-term relief.
  • Regime is easy to use and only takes a couple of minutes each day.
  • You receive a variety of exercises to range from gentle stretches and techniques to mindful activities, such as breathing.
  • All of the exercises come with step-by-step instructions.
  • Can provide you with quick and effective relief, as well as permanent relief.
  • The program is 100% natural.
  • Provides you with treatment from various angles for an effective solution that addresses all causes of your TMJ symptoms.
  • Digital version allows you to download the content right onto your tech devices for convenient use anytime, anywhere.
  • Can be downloaded as an audio file.
  • Option to receive a physical hardcopy.
  • Backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Disadvantages of the Program

The TMJ Solution is a digital program, so all of the content is available to you online and can be downloaded onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. No physical package gets mailed out to you. However, you can opt to receive the program in the mail for a small additional fee if you would prefer that option. Otherwise, you could always download and print the guides off from home.


The TMJ Solution is an online program that teaches you a natural and effective way to address and relieve all of your TMJ symptoms. The approach aims to target the root cause of the problem by releasing all the stress and tension in the jaw and surrounding areas, providing long-lasting relief. The regime only takes a couple of minutes to do each day and can be done right at home without the use of any extra equipment or tools. All of the exercises also come with clear, step-by-step instructions so you can easily learn and implement the steps.  You can even try it risk-free for two months, as the program offers a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

download the tmj solution PDF


Is it safe to use this program?

The TMJ Solution is designed to provide a safe and natural approach to addressing TMJ symptoms using gentle techniques, such as breathing exercises, relaxation exercises, mindset exercises, and communication exercises. It doesn’t involve the use of supplements, rigorous diets or strenuous workouts either.

However, if you have any pre-existing health conditions or if you’re currently taking medication, you may want to speak with your healthcare provider before getting started.

How do I get a hardcopy version?

Upon purchase, you will have the option to receive the program in a printed format or as a CD for a small fee. This is optional and you do not need to opt for these if you do not want them. In that case, all of the content is digital and can be downloaded onto your tech devices as a PDF eBook or audiobook.

Alternatively, you can download and print the guides off from home to serve as your own ,personal hardcopy.

Has the author created any other programs?

Yes. In addition to this one, Christian Goodman has also created “Vertigo and Dizziness Program”, “The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program”, “The Erectile Mastery Program“, “The Brain Booster” and “The Blood Pressure Program”  – to name a few.

Does the program offer customer support if I have any questions?

Yes. You can contact the author and their team from the official website and they will be able to answer any questions or concerns you have.


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(as of 22nd October 2024)