The Ex Factor Guide Review: Do The Methods Actually Work?

The Ex Factor Guide is the ultimate guide for learning how to repair your relationship with your ex and rekindle their desire, attraction, and love for you. Even if things seem damaged beyond repair, there is always hope and a chance to repair and rebuild. In fact, recent studies have found that a surprising 15% of couples who break up actually end up finding their way back to each other. People even go through nasty divorces, only to find their way back to one another. You just never know until you try and that’s what this program helps you do.

The Ex Factor Guide is a comprehensive program that helps you win back your ex and start fresh with a healthier and happier relationship. It comes from a professional relationship coach who specializes in repairing relationships, and brings all of their expertise, proven techniques, tips, methods and valuable information right to you right on your electronic device.

The Ex Factor Guide Review

What is “The Ex Factor Guide”?

Experiencing a breakup is one of life’s toughest challenges that not only affects your emotions, but can also impact you mentally, physically, socially, and sometimes even financially. However, all relationships can be repaired… as long as you have the right techniques!

The Ex Factor Guide is an incredible online program that’s specifically designed to help you repair and rebuild your relationship with your ex, brought to you by a professional relationship coach who specializes in methods based on the dynamics of relationships and the psychology of a breakup. So, getting your ex back truly comes down to a science and using the power of psychology to understand where things went wrong, what they want and how you can captivate their attention and desire all over again. The approach, advice and techniques provided to you are 100% ethical. There’s absolutely no manipulation or mind games involved. After all, that’s no way to start repairing a failed relationship.

The Ex Factor Guide keeps the process easy too, with everything divided into strategic and systematic sections that guide you through the entire process from start to finish. Each section aims to provide you with the information, support and techniques needed to identify the root causes of the breakup, capture your ex’s attention, create irresistible attraction, and ultimately bring it all together. The content can be found in a written manual and a 20-video series.

Ex Factor Guide Download Page
A preview of the program’s download page.
After logging in, you’ll be redirected to this page to access the materials.

Now, even if you think you don’t have a shot with your ex there’s no harm in trying. Not only is the program created by an experienced professional but it also comes with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. This allows you to try the system out and see how it works for you, risk-free.

All of the content can be downloaded right onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop as well for confident and private use. You can also download the program in audio file and listen as you go.

Who Created The Guide?

Brad Browning is the author behind The Ex Factor Guide. He has many years of experience working as an expert relationship coach, specializing in helping people repair broken relationships, save marriages, and prevent divorces. He has worked with clients from all over the world, guiding them through tough breakups, divorces, and all kinds of relationship woes. Today, he is considered one of the leading breakup experts out there.

Brad’s programs have sold hundreds of thousands of copies in over 130 countries! He also runs a popular YouTube channel, with over half a million subscribers and 100 million views on his relationship advice videos. He’s even been featured and interviewed by major journals and media outlets, and is also a co-founder of LoveLearnings, where he shares even more relationship advice.

Overview of The Program

The Ex Factor Guide is a comprehensive program that provides you with a strategic plan to repair your relationship with your ex and start a new, fresh and healthy partnership together. It’s designed to work on all relationships, as it’s highly based on psychology and what men and women desire.

The program starts off by offering two versions – one that caters to men and the other that caters to women. Within both versions, you’re provided with a step-by-step process that allows you to identify the problems in the relationship, learn undeniable irresistible techniques and attraction methods, do’s and don’ts of contacting your ex, and much more. You also receive sample texts, expert advice, and a ton of valuable advice so you can easily implement the things you learn.

All of this is put into one main manual. You also receive a 20-part video series that dives a little deeper into the most important topics mentioned to ensure you know exactly how to proceed and mend that relationship.

Let’s take a look at what types of topics are covered in the men’s version. Keep in mind, the guide for females will be slightly different.

The Female Version

PDF Manual Table of Contents
The PDF Manual’s table of contents.

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Forget About What You Think You Know
  • I’m Rooting For You
  • I’m Here to Help If You Need It
  • The Real Reason You’re Alone

 The first part chapter serves as an introduction to the program, teaching you its unique approach and the psychology that it’s based on. You also receive valuable advice on identifying factors that may have led to the breakup and letting go of any limiting beliefs you may have about breakups and heartbreaks so you can start off brand new.

Chapter 2: Attractive Characteristics

  • Oxytocin: Your Secret Weapon

In this chapter, you learn about human psychology and what makes people become attracted to someone else and how to cause a chemical release in the brain that makes someone feel attraction. You also learn the “Alpha Framework,” which forms the foundation of the program. All in all, this chapter covers what people find attractive and how to make it work for you.

Chapter 3: Unattractive Characteristics

Opposite to the prior, this chapter covers the traits that people commonly find unattractive in a partner. These are what the author refers to as “The 6 Deadly Sins” in a relationship, which are behaviors that can quickly turn someone off such as being excessively clingy, displaying jealousy and having controlling tendencies.

It’s not all bad news, as this chapter aims to help you recognize them so that you can avoid them altogether so you can create a healthier, more attractive version of yourself.

Chapter 4: Panic and Acceptance

  • Don’t Pressure Her
  • Some Good News

This chapter is all about learning how to cope with the overwhelming emotions that accompany a breakup. It’s a compassionate section that helps uplift your spirits and offer the support you need during this challenging time. The goal is to help you deal with these feelings without making impulsive decisions that you might regret later and so you can find healing and emotional stability.

Chapter 5: Start With “No Contact”

  • Why 31 Days?
  • “But I Can’t Wait That Long!”
  • What If You’ve Done Too Much Begging and Pleading Already
  • What If You Broke Up a While Ago?
  • What if Your Ex Lives in Another City
  • Pick Up an Old Hobby (or a new one)
  • Lean on Your Friends
  • Start Exercising More
  • Focus More Energy on Your Work
  • What If No Contact is Physically Impossible

This chapter covers one of the most important steps to getting your ex back: the, “no contact” phase. It’s not just a random rule, but a strategic move backed by scientific reasoning. In fact, the author found that approximately 80% of clients who failed to win their ex back did not follow this rule. It’s a game-changer, and this chapter teaches you why and comes with tips for getting through this timeframe, what to do if there’s a unique situation, such as a death or birthday, and so on.

Chapter 6: Start Dating Other Women

  • How to Let Her Know You’re Dating
  • Hang Out with Mutual Friends
  • Take a Lot of Pictures – And Post Them
  • What If She’s Dating Other Men Already?

This chapter teaches you one of the most important techniques in the program. It’s a game-changer that the author calls “convert jealousy,” and this is where you learn what it is all about and how to effectively utilize it. This includes a strategic approach, tips for finding the fine line between sparking jealousy in your ex while maintaining authenticity and integrity and much more.

Chapter 7: What If She Contacts You?

  • What If She Calls?

If your ex happens to call you, don’t panic and head straight to this chapter. It’ll provide you with valuable tips for navigating these types of situations.

Chapter 8: What If She Doesn’t Contact You?

  • You Have Two Options
  • What Should You Text Her?
  • The Pointless Text
  • The Good Reminder Text
  • How You Should Call Her
  • When She Calls or Writes You Back
  • “What If This Doesn’t Work?”

Let’s say your ex doesn’t contact you… at all. This chapter will help you understand why they may not have contacted you yet and what you can do to change that. It teaches you a specific approach for contacting them, but in a way that sparks their curiosity and desire.

Chapter 9: The “Date”

  • Body Language and Tone of Voice
  • Conversation Topics for The “Date”
  • How to Tell a Good Story

This chapter provides you with valuable tips and advice for making sure your first meet-up since using this program is a positive and effective one. It guides you through proper body language to convey the message you desire, conversation topics, tips for giving off confidence and more.

Chapter 10: Seduce Her All Over Again

  • Seduction in a Nutshell
  • Rebuilding the Attraction
  • Tease Her!
  • Kinaesthetic Attraction
  • Taking Kino a Step Further
  • How to Kiss Her
  • My “6 Magic Words”
  • A Sneaky Attraction Tip

Now, it’s time to learn how to start seducing your ex! This chapter is all about creating an abundance of attraction that makes your ex start to crave you again. But it isn’t just about seduction in the bedroom, and comes with incredible techniques and tips for flirting, talking and much more.

Chapter 11: Sex!

o   What To Do After Sex

Blow your ex’s mind with the techniques you learn in this chapter. No explanation needed.

Chapter 12: Preventing Breakup

  • Keep Things Interesting
  • Induce Jealousy

Once everything is repaired, you’ll want to use this chapter to make sure a breakup doesn’t happen again. This chapter teaches you valuable advice for keeping the relationship interesting, navigating the “bonding phase” and more.

Chapter 13: Desperation Tactics

Chapter 14: The Desperation Letter

The last two chapters provide you with additional techniques and methods that can be used if you have an incredibly stubborn, psychology-defying ex who is still not being responsible to your attempts. 

The Male Version

The male version has all of the same topics as mentioned above with some extra topics such as:

  • Oxytocin: Your Secret Weapon
  • A Direct Attraction Tip

Video Series

In this section, you receive a 20-part video series that talks about the most important topics and crucial aspects of The Ex Factor Guide in more detail to ensure you have all the guidance, advice and techniques needed.  

Bonus eBooks

In addition to the main program, you also receive three bonus eBooks for absolutely free. They are:

  • 10 Commandments of Sexual Attraction
  • Seven Steps to Sex Appeal
  • Flawless Physique Guide

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • The program provides you with powerful advice, tools, techniques and coaching from a professional relationship coach.
  • Comes with tools and strategies needed to repair and recreate a healthier relationship that have been proven to work.
  • The focus is highly based on the dynamics of relationships and the psychology of breakups.
  • Helps you gain a deeper understanding of why your relationship didn’t work out initially, so you can make positive changes for a better future together.
  • Helps you build confidence in yourself and become the partner you want to be for your ex.
  • The program offers tailored versions for both genders that recognize the different psychologies and coping abilities, for an effective approach.
  • Covers a wide range of scenarios, circumstances, and relationship problems.
  • Digital version allows you to use the program anywhere and anytime, right on your electronic device.
  • Supported by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Disadvantages of the Program

Since The Ex Factor Guide is digital, there is no physical hardcopy that gets shipped out to you. You can, however, print the guide off on your own.


The Ex Factor Guide is the ultimate guide for learning how to repair things with your ex and rekindle a passionate and healthy relationship for a happy, healthy future together. The system comes with two versions that offer specific psychology-based advice and techniques depending on whether your ex is female or male for optimal results. Both are infused with expert knowledge and coaching, addressing a ton of topics, techniques, and solutions that cover a wide range of dilemmas, problems, situations, and scenarios to ensure an approach that works for you (and ultimately, your ex!). You can even give it a try risk-free, as it comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Download The Ex Factor Guide PDF


Does it matter what version I choose?

It’s important to select the right version based on your situation, as each one provides tailored advice and methods that work for men or for women and the different perspectives, desires, and needs they have.

Is there any physical hardcopy available?

The program is entirely digital but you can download the guide and print it off at your home.

What if it doesn’t work or if he/she continues to ignore me?

The program covers a list of ‘what if’ scenarios and what to do if you find yourself in one of these situations and it’ll guide you through the process.

Does the program offer personal advice?

While the program should have you covered, you can always send a message to the author by clicking on the “Seek Brad’s Advice” button on the main website.

seeking brad advice section

Is there someone to contact if I have any concerns or issues?

You can contact the author and his team using the information above.


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(as of 24th January 2025)