Brain Training for Dogs Review: Should You Get It?

Brain Training for Dogs is an online program that brings all of the dog training you could ever need right to you on your tech device for a fraction of the cost of in-person sessions. Providing your dog with proper training is essential for developing a harmonious, healthy and happy relationship with them. Unfortunately, it’s estimated that the average professional dog training is around $600 per week, with additional expenses depending on the trainer, training type, and any extra time that is required. This is likely why 75% of all dogs in the United States never receive training from a professional.

But that’s about to change because Brain Training for Dogs offers a comprehensive program that provides you with both behavioral and intellectual training that can be done right from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace and without having to fork over a fortune. It’s even developed by a certified CPDT-KA dog trainer, so you’re quite literally getting professional dog training and all you need is this program. No additional equipment or tools are necessary. Say goodbye to expensive and time-consuming in-person training and hello to an affordable and convenient alternative that’s just as good (if not better).

Brain Training for Dogs Review


What is Brain Training for Dogs About?

As a dog owner, you’ve likely asked yourself if professional training is really necessary and the answer is simple: absolutely! Dog training absolutely essential for creating a happy and balanced bond between dogs and their human buddies. It’s not just about teaching them simple commands and fun tricks either. It’s about developing a whole range of skills and behaviors that are vital for their overall happiness and successful integration into our society. And now, there’s an easy, affordable and accessible option!

Brain Training For Dogs is the ultimate online program that brings all of the professional dog training you could ever want right to your fingertips, at a fraction of the cost of traditional lessons. This comprehensive system is divided into two training series: Brain training and Behavioral training.

In the Brain training series, you’ll discover a wealth of lessons, starting from basic obedience and gradually progressing to more advanced skills and impressive tricks. The program is structured into five parts and levels, catering to your dog’s intellectual abilities and training progress. From preschool to the “Einstein” level, there’s something for every furry learner wherever they’re at.

The Behavioral training section offers additional lessons specifically designed to address common behavioral problems, such as chewing, barking, jumping, and so on and so forth. Plus, you’ll gain access to over 100 extra resources and training materials, covering a wide range of topics.

All the training provided is 100% ethical, using positive reinforcement combined with scientifically proven training philosophies. Each lesson is also designed to create a fun bonding experience for you and your dog. You won’t need any fancy equipment or tools either —just the usual dog essentials like a leash, collar, and treats.

Once you’ve made your purchase, accessing the program is as easy as the lessons. Simply log in using the provided username and password, and voila! You’ll have instant access to the training materials, allowing you to conveniently use them anytime, anywhere, whether you’re using your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Brain Training for Dogs Download Page
A quick look at what the program’s membership page looks like.
After logging in, you’ll be redirected to this page to access the program’s materials.

The program also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. So, you can dive in, give it a go, and see what both you and your furry friend think. If it doesn’t meet your expectations, no worries! You can take advantage of the risk-free guarantee.

About the Creator of the Program

Adrienne Farricelli is a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer who created Brain Training For Dogs. Adrienne has dedicated years to working with dogs of all breeds, sizes, ages, and behavior-types. You’ll find Adrienne listed as a reputable trainer under Arizona’s CCPDT (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers).

Overview of the Brain Training for Dogs Program

Brain Training For Dogs is the ultimate dog training program that equips you with comprehensive, professional training and lessons that allow you to build a strong bond with your furry companion while also correcting (or preventing) any undesirable behaviours. From mastering basic obedience to learning advanced skills and impressive tricks, this program has you covered.

To ensure an easy and effortless experience, the program is divided into two sections: brain training and behavior training. The brain training section takes center stage, offering a wealth of lessons organized into five modules. Each module builds upon the previous one, creating a gradual learning experience for both you and your furry friend. Each lesson clearly states the objective at the beginning before providing you with step-by-step instructions and photos, training tips, expert advice, and much more to ensure you have all the necessary tools to effectively train and nurture your dog’s potential.

Lesson Preview
A preview of what the program’s lessons look like.

Let’s take a further look into the two training modules to see what kind of lessons you can expect.


The Brain Training manuals are divided into four main parts, with each addressing specific topics and training to offer you comprehensive guidance and action plan.

Module 1: Getting Started

  • About the Creator
  • Introduction
  • Program Structure
  • What You Need
  • Clicker Training

In the first module, you’ll find all the essential information about the program’s training approach. This includes a look into the structure of the training lessons and the recommended tools to enhance the training experience. You’ll discover valuable tips on using treats, toys, a leash, a clicker, and more.

Module 2: Obedience Training 101

  • Using the Lure
  • Sit
  • Lie Down
  • Take/Leave It
  • Drop It
  • Stay
  • Recall
  • Heeling and Attention Heeling

In the second module, you’ll jump right into basic obedience training. This phase focuses on teaching your dog the fundamental tasks and commands that are essential for healthy behavior.

The training starts off with the most important skills such as teaching your dog to sit, stay, and recall. These fundamental commands lay the groundwork for your relationship and any advanced training you may want to do in the future.

Module 3: Polishing Up Training

  • Fading Food Lures
  • Simplifying Hand Signals
  • Adding Verbal Cues
  • Hand Signals vs. Verbal Cues
  • Fading Continuous Rewards

The third module takes your training to the next level by building on the basic obedience skills from the previous section. This module introduces more advanced training techniques and commands that expand upon the foundation you have already established. You’ll also move into a wider range of exercises and commands to further refine your dog’s skills and behaviors.

Module 4: Brain Training

  • Targeting
  • Look Into My Eyes
  • The Airplane Game
  • The Treasure Hunt
  • The Muffin Game
  • The Ball Pit Game
High School
  • Jazz Up and Settle Down
  • The Bottle Game
  • Bobbing for Treats
  • The Shell Game
  • Open Sesame
  • The Magic Carpet
  • Hide and Seek
  • Look at That
  • Hot and Cold
  • Leg Weaving
  • Serpentines and Spirals
  • Name Discrimination
  • The Tidy Up Game
  • Ring Stackers
  • Play the Piano

Moving on to module four, you’ll discover a plethora of training lessons that cover a wide range of skills and commands. These lessons are categorized based on their level of difficulty. For example, the “preschool” section contains the easiest training exercises, tricks, and commands to start with. As you and your dog advance, the “elementary” section builds on the foundation established in the preschool stage and so on and so forth.

The lessons provided in this module are not only effective but also designed to be enjoyable activities and games for both you and your furry companion.

Module 5: Closing Words

  • Beyond Brain Training
  • Printable Glossary
  • 7 Trick Training Videos

 In the final module, you’ll gain access to all kinds of additional resources and information to support your journey even after you’ve complete the program.

puppy training module section
The puppy training module section.


Within the behavior training module, you’ll discover three sections, each dedicated to addressing a range of behavioral issues. From whining and digging to barking, chewing, jumping, and more, this module provides you with lessons and practical strategies for tackling these behaviours effectively.

The module also includes a printable glossary that breaks down the terminology used throughout the training. This handy resource ensures that you have a clear understanding of the concepts and techniques employed.

Additionally, you’ll gain access to over 100 dog-related resources and training materials for an additional assistance needed.

Module 1: Getting Started

  1. About the Creator
  2. Introduction to the Course

Just as the name suggests, this module provides you with details about the course and of course, the dog trainer who created it. For example, you learn the author is a force-free trainer who uses scientifically based training methods that focus on positive reinforcement.

Module 2: Behaviour Training

  1. Whining
    1. Attention-Seeking Whining
    2. Anxious Whining
    3. Excitement Whining
    4. Toy/Bone Related Whining
  2. Digging
  3. Barking
    1. Barking at Nothing
    2. Barking at Doorbells or Door Knocks
    3. Barking at Other Trigger
  4. Chewing
  5. Jumping

This module is dedicated to navigating common behaviour problems dogs and their owners experience. For example, you learn that digging holes in a purely instinctive behaviour and how it’s important to understand why your dog is digging in the first place before trying to correct them. 

Module 3: Closing Words

  1. Beyond Behavior Training
  2. Printable Glossary
  3. Adrienne’s Archive
  4. Case Studies

In this section, you receive addition resources and guidance on where you can go from here. At this point, your dog should be well-behaved in every way so the items here are just an extra boost to help you keep their behaviour top-notch. For example, the printable glossary provides you with a quick recap of everything you learned so you can easily reference back to it as needed.

Our Opinion

Advantages of the Program

  • Delivers professional dog training in a convenient digital format
  • Developed by a certified dog trainer with a professional CPDT-KA certification
  • Suitable for all types of dogs, regardless of their breed, age, size, personality, or behavior
  • Encompasses a wide range of training, from basic obedience to advanced skills and impressive tricks
  • Uses 100% ethical training methods, such as positive reinforcement techniques
  • Requires no additional tools or equipment beyond typical dog items like a collar, leash, treats, and more
  • Provides detailed step-by-step training lessons accompanied by easy-to-understand photo tutorials
  • Grants access to an exclusive members-only forum, where you can connect with the trainer, her team, and other people using the program
  • Allows for flexible digital access, enabling you to utilize the training at your convenience, wherever you are
  • Backed by a reassuring 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Disadvantages of the Program

With this program, everything is conveniently available on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, offering instant access right at your fingertips. However, this also means that the program does not come with a physical hardcopy version. It does come with a printable glossary and you can always print off any lessons you want.


Brain Training for Dogs is the total program for professional dog training lessons you can do right in the comfort of your own home, at your preferred pace, and without breaking the bank. It brings the training directly to your digital screen for easy use anytime, anywhere. From basic obedience to teaching your furry companion impressive tricks and more advanced skills, this comprehensive program covers it all. It’s designed to work with any dog’s size, breed, age, personality, or current behavior, and focuses on using positive reinforcement techniques that feel just as good for your dog as they do you. It’s also backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, in addition to being created by a certified CPDT-KA dog trainer. You just can’t go wrong with that.

download brain training for dogs PDF


Do any of the training techniques use inhumane or cruel techniques or tools?

Not at all. Brain Training for Dogs is built on the foundation of positive reinforcement, emphasizing rewarding desired behaviors. You won’t find any use of tools like shock collars or aggressive approaches within the program. The training is designed to create a positive and enjoyable learning environment and experience for both you and your dog.

Will I need to purchase any additional equipment to use along with the training techniques?

No additional equipment is needed to use the program. The training techniques can be used with just the basic training essentials, such as treats, toys, a collar, and a leash.

Is the program created by a professional?

Yes, Brain Training for Dogs is created by Adrienne Farricelli, a certified dog trainer. She holds a certification from the CCPDT (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers) and is listed as a certified dog trainer under Arizona’s CCPDT director which you can see here:

Does the program work on all dog ages and breeds?

Absolutely! The comprehensive training for dogs makes the program appropriate for all types of dogs. There are even sections dedicated to specific ages, such as puppy training, which caters to puppies as young as a few weeks old up to several months old. The other training goes right up to Einstein-age and intelligence and beyond.

Is there support available if I need additional guidance?

You can reach out to the creator, Adrienne Farricelli and her team via email. They are there to assist you and address any inquiries you may have. You also gain access to an exclusive members-only forum where you can connect with other dog owners who are using the program to share ideas, seek advice, and engage in discussions to enhance your training experience.private forum


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(as of 22nd October 2024)