Cat Spraying No More Review

Cat Spraying No More is an online, feline-friendly program designed to help cat owners learn effective, natural and safe solutions for getting their cat to stop spraying – quickly and permanently. And if you can relate to the frustration that comes with a spraying cat, you’ve likely already looked at some conventional options. After all, you’re probably at your wits end dealing with cat urine being sprinkled throughout your home. However, many of the modern options available aren’t humane, costly and sometimes even ineffective. The most popular one that many cat owners consider is having their cat spayed or neutered, but studies have shown that this doesn’t always stop the spraying. And that’s a hefty price to pay for it not to work, as this intense procedure is also incredibly expensive and it requires a lot of post-care (and extra costs). With Cat Spraying No More, you learn natural alternatives that don’t cost a fortune or require your cat to go under the knife. These proven-methods teach you how to quickly and effectively stop your cat from turning using your home as their personal litter box.

Cat Spraying No More review


What is Cat Spraying No More?

If the mere thought of spaying or neutering your cat makes you cringe but you also equally don’t want them to urinate in your home, this program is it. Cat Spraying No More is an online program that teaches people effective natural methods that can get a cat to stop spraying quickly and permanently. The approach is 100% feline-friendly and uses a combination of natural remedies, herbal blends, simple hacks and a whole lot of cat perspective. By that, I mean that the foundation of the program focuses on understanding why your cat keeps spraying in the first place so you can eliminate that trigger completely. This tackles the spraying at the source to banish it quickly and for good.

But of course, there’s always going to be that one cat who has defied the odds of every anti-spaying method you’ve heard of. Cat Spraying No More comes with a collection of the most effective natural methods and remedies. So, you can try them out and see which ones work best with your unique cat (and all of their quirks!). You even get two months to try them out, as the program comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

With this program, you also receive a variety of free bonuses, which include:

  • Free Bonus #1: Cat Training Bible
  • Free Bonus #2: 101 Recipes for a Healthy Cat
  • Free Bonus #3: The Cat Care Blueprint
  • Free Bonus #4: Pet Medical Recorder Software

The really great thing is that you don’t have to even think about neutering or spaying your cat, or paying all the fees and guilt that come with it. Cat Spraying No More is designed to provide cat owners with practical, at-home solutions, so it only makes sense that you can do it right in the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to take your cat to the vet or to a class or trainer, nor do you have to consult with one to eliminate the cat urine (and the spaying causing it) in your home. Everything is digital and can be downloaded right onto your personal tech devices, such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. This is purrfect (pardon the pun) for convenience and training on-the-go as you navigate through your cat’s triggers (and their favourite urine spots in your home).

Who Created Cat Spraying No More?

Veterinary Technician, Sarah Richards, is the author of Cat Spraying No More. She has worked with animals of all types and has found healthy and effective techniques for training animals ethically. In her recent years, Sarah has been working with the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

Quick Overview of Cat Spraying No More

Cat Spraying No More is a comprehensive system that teaches you how to get your cat to stop turning your home into their personal litter box. It comes with an abundance of valuable information and a vast array of natural methods to help you find the perfect solution for your cat and all of his/her quirks. The methods you learn are proven strategies that are 100% humane and that have shown to work for different cat personalities, root causes for the spraying and preferences. This includes using herbal remedies to attract your cat to urine where you want them to, using techniques to clean the areas to avoid attraction, daily habits to do and more thorough remedies for the stubborn felines out there.

Throughout the program, you’ll find simple steps to put what you’ve learned into action, as well as detailed instructions where needed.

Here’s a deeper look into the program:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • Why Does Cat Urine Smell So Bad?
    • Issues That Can Cause Your Cat to Avoid Its Litter Box
    • A Cat’s Unique Senses and Preferences
  • Chapter 2: Finding Out Why Your Cat is Eliminating Inappropriately
    • Personal Feelings in Cats
    • Simple Inability
    • Other Issues That Can Be Important
    • Taking Your Cat to the Vet for a Checkup Can be Crucial
    • Interstitial Cystitis in Cats
    • Traumatic Associations With a Litter Box
    • Stress
    • Dominative Behavior in Cats
    • Cats Marking Territory Around the House
  • Chapter 3: What You Can Do To Get Your Cat to Use Its Litter Box – The Basic Approach
    • Clean the Litter Box Often
    • Arranging the Litter Box
    • Location is Crucial
  • Chapter 4: Using Your Cat’s Preferences and Instincts to Stop Inappropriate Elimination
    • Give Your Cat a Choice
    • Clean Places Where Your Cat Eliminates Inappropriately
    • Make Inappropriate Places Unpleasant For Your Cat to Eliminate In
    • What Sort of Box Would Your Cat Prefer? Detailed Instructions
    • Maintain the Right Amount of Boxes
    • Dealing with Traumatic Events That Create an Aversion to Litter Boxes
    • Long-Haired Cats Have Issues Unique to Them
  • Chapter 5: Cats and Stress: How Stress Can Cause Inappropriate Elimination and How to Deal With It
    • A Cat’s Inability to Understand Human Behavior Can Cause Stress
    • Helping a Stressed Out Cat to Relax Can Prevent Problems With Inappropriate Elimination
  • Chapter 6: Locating The Offender
  • Chapter 7: Using Medication to Resolve Issues with Inappropriate Elimination
  • Chapter 8: Examples of How I’ve Dealt With Inappropriate Eliminating in Cats
  • Chapter 9: Detailed Techniques and Methods to Help You Stop Your Cat Eliminating Inappropriately Over Your House
    • Cleansing
    • Herbal Remedies
    • Neutering
  • Chapter 10: Natural and Herbal Remedies to Cure Inappropriate Elimination in Cats
    • Consistency in Application is Important
    • Cat Nip
      • Using Cat Nip
    • Coleus Canina
      • Method 1
      • Method 2
    • Rue
      • Method 1
      • Method 2
    • Lavender and Rosemary Mixes
      • Method 1
      • Method 2
      • Other Methods
    • A Special Herbal Repellent Mix for Cats Who Eliminate in Inappropriate Areas
    • A Complete Cleaning Solution that Uses Vinegar
    • Attracting Your Cats to their Cat-Litter Using Herbs
    • A Basic Herb-Based Cat-Litter Mix
    • Various Grasses Can Help to Attract Your Cat to Its Litter Box
    • Other Herbs That Are Helpful
  • Chapter 11: Conclusion
Table of Contents
A look at the guide’s table of contents.

Our Opinion

Advantages of the Program

Inarguably, the greatest advantage of using Cat Spraying No More is that you can finally get your cat to stop spraying! It’s a unique system that offers a basic approach that works on most cats, as well as more specific approaches based on your cat’s personality and preferences. This allows you to narrow in on the best solution for your situation (and cat).

Another benefit is how all of the methods you learn are proven to work and they’re 100% natural and super cat-friendly. So, you feel good about using the methods and your cat doesn’t hate them either.  (The same can’t be said about castration).

Lastly, the digital copy of the program is a huge advantage because you can take the program with you wherever your cat is spraying. Maybe it’s in different rooms or even in different buildings, such as your vacation house, garage, shed, etc. Having the materials downloaded onto your personal tech devices ensures you have all the information you need, wherever the spraying leads you. The money back guarantee is also a great boost of reassurance that you have officially found the solution you’ve been desperately looking for.

Disadvantages of the Program

When it comes to disadvantages, there isn’t anything that comes to my mind. Cat Spraying No More is comprehensive and covers the issues from all angles to provide thorough, well-rounded treatment options. Although, it would be neat if you could download the program in audio format as well, since some people retain information better this way.


Cat Spraying No More is the ultimate guide for cat owners who are trying to get their feline family member to stop spraying. It’s filled with pages upon pages of proven, natural methods that are designed to get to the root cause of the problem to eliminate it for good (along with the spraying). The program can be used on all cats, regardless of their age, stubbornness level or personality, and you can even try it out risk-free with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

download cat spraying no more pdf


Is there a physical copy of the program?

No, Cat Spraying No More is completely digital. You receive instant access and download the content onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Alternatively, you could print off a version at your home if you’d prefer a physical copy.

Do the methods use cruelty in any way?

Absolutely not. All of the methods are 100% natural and ethical.

Does the program require any extra tools to stop my cat from spraying?

No, there are no additional gadgets or tools needed to use the program. However, some methods do use natural ingredients, such as herbs, which you will need to get. The good news is they’re all common ingredients and can be found at your local grocery or pet store.

Does the program work for cats of all ages?

Yes, the program is designed to work for all cats, no matter their breed or age. So, whether they’re just a kitten or a senior cat who has been spraying all this time or who has developed a new habit, the methods you learn can be used to get them to stop urinating.

Who can I contact if I have any questions regarding the program?

The author of the program has a contact page, where you can send a message if you have any questions or concerns. You can also leave a message down below and we’ll do our best to answer any questions you have.


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