The Parkinson’s Protocol is an incredible online program that aims to help people dealing with Parkinson’s disease by equipping them with evidence-based strategies known to reduce symptoms and slow down the disease progression, so they can regain control of their life and health. And what may surprise you is that it has a lot to do with dopamine, a brain chemical commonly referred to as your “happy hormone”. Extensive research has found a strong link between dopamine and Parkinson’s disease, with dopamine being directly linked to improving the nerve and muscle cells responsible for movement. Additionally, it’s been found that people with Parkinson’s tend to have lower dopamine levels compared to those without the condition. The good news is that there are all kinds of natural ways you can boost dopamine levels and improve symptoms through diet and lifestyle choices.
The Parkinson’s Protocol is a comprehensive system that teaches you all about it, as well as 12 simple daily habits that naturally enhance dopamine production and minimize exposure to factors associated with disease progression. It’s a 100% natural approach that you can easily implement at home, without the need for prescription medications or any additional tools or equipment. Best of all, it can the key to regaining control of your health so you can live your best life.

What is The Parkinson’s Protocol?
It can be quite disheartening to hear that a condition you’re dealing with, such as Parkinson’s Disease, is incurable. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other options that can significantly improve your health and help you reclaim your life.
The Parkinson’s Protocol is an online program that teaches you effective treatments that are clinically proven to minimize symptoms and slow down the progression of this disease. It’s a comprehensive program that follows a 100% natural approach, backed by clinical studies linking dopamine levels (the “happy brain chemical”) to the nerve and muscle cells responsible for movement.
Within The Parkinson’s Protocol, you learn evidence-based strategies that help you repair the damaged parts of the brain associated with Parkinson’s, address the underlying cause, and directly target your symptoms to significantly reduce and prevent them altogether.
The program is divided into four parts to ensure an easy and gradual experience from start to finish. Within these sections, you’ll discover a ton of expert advice, clinical studies, and evidence-based strategies focused on making healthy and positive changes in your diet, exercise (optional), and lifestyle to naturally increase dopamine production. This can all be done simply by implementing 12 daily habits that can help protect your health and start repairing your brain.

After purchase, you’ll be redirected to this page to access the program’s materials.
The Parkinson’s Protocol is entirely digital, meaning you receive immediate access as soon as you purchase and can use the system right on your tech devices. It also comes with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee so you can try it out for two months, risk-free.
Who Created The Program?
Jodi Knapp is the author of The Parkinson’s Protocol. Jodi is a highly-respected naturopath and dedicated natural health researcher who focuses his approach on using the power of diet and lifestyle to heal naturally. Jodi has also produced several other successful programs, including Neuropathy No More and The Hypothyroidism program. his extensive knowledge and track record of creating effective, natural health programs has turned him into a leading and trusted figure in the field of natural health and wellness.
Overview of The Program
The Parkinson’s Protocol is a comprehensive program designed provide you with all of the evidence-based strategies that can effectively increase dopamine levels in the brain, minimize symptoms, repair damaged parts of the brain, and slow down the progression of the disease. It consists of a four-part regime that breaks down the process in an easy-to-follow way:
- Part 1: Deep-Dive Into Parkinson’s
The first part aims to provide you with all the information needed to have a thorough understanding of Parkinson’s disease. This section dives into the condition, providing you with valuable knowledge that will empower you on your healing journey.
- Part 2: Parkinson’s Treatment – Traditional Solutions and Alternative Approaches
In this part, you’ll learn about both traditional and alternative treatment options for Parkinson’s. It comes with a ton of information, expert advice, and healing remedies you can use to complement your health.
- Part 3: Two Steps to Delay Parkinson’s – Detoxing and Dopamine
This section focuses on two essential steps to delay Parkinson’s: detoxification and dopamine. You’ll learn about effective detox techniques and how to naturally enhance dopamine levels, so you can improve your symptoms and promote a healthier brain.
- Part 4: 12 Daily Habits to Delay Parkinson’s
Within this part, you’ll find the heart of The Parkinson’s Protocol. It teaches you 12 simple yet powerful daily habits that are key to delaying the progression of Parkinson’s. These habits consist of making healthy and positive diet and lifestyle changes, and using exercise (optional). These are provided to you in an easy-to-follow regime, complete with recipes, food lists, home remedies and a much more.
Here is a more detailed look at each part:
Introduction: Hope
Part 1: Deep-Dive Into Parkinson’s
- What Exactly is Happening in the Brain?
- Symptoms of Parkinson’s
- The 5 Stages of Parkinson’s
- The Role of Dopamine – The Motivation Molecule
- Dopamine Receptors
- Low Dopamine Levels and Brain Disorders
- Dopamine and Rewards
- What Causes Parkinson’s
- High BMI
- Environmental Toxins
- Inflammation of the Microglia
- Mitochondrial Dysfunction
- Depression
- Diet and Lifestyle
- Lack of Exercise
- The Forgotten Risk Factor – Stress
In the first part of the program, you’ll receive all the information needed to have a comprehensive understanding of Parkinson’s disease. This crucial knowledge sets the foundation for the program and your journey. It teaches you how Parkinson’s disease affects the brain, the causes and risks associated with low dopamine levels, how increasing dopamine can repair damaged parts of the brain and delay the progression of the disease, evidence-based advice, and much more. For example, you learn about often-forgotten risk factors, such as stress, and how stress management techniques can be a game-changer for your health.
Part 2: Parkinson’s Treatment – Traditional Solutions and Alternative Approaches
- Dopamine Precursors
- Dopamine Antagonists
- Other Parkinson’s Medications
- Parkinson’s Natural ‘Quick Fixes’
In part two, you’ll learn all kinds of information about the different treatment options available for Parkinson’s. This section covers everything from conventional medical approaches to natural alternatives, with the goal of providing you with all of the knowledge needed to make the best decisions for your health.
Part two also offers some “quick fix” options that can provide immediate relief of your symptoms, even before fully diving into the program as a whole.
Part 3: Two Steps to Delay Parkinson’s – Detoxing and Dopamine
- Detox Your Brain
- Strategies for Gentle Detoxing
- Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatories
- Sleep: Your Brain’s Detox Tool
- Boost Dopamine with Food
- Natural Dopamine Precursors
- A Neuro-Protective way of Eating: The Principles of the MIND Diet
- Plant-Protein
- 10 Dopamine Boosting Superfoods
- Boost Dopamine with Movement
- Boost Dopamine with Your Mind
In part three, you learn a powerful two-step regime specifically designed to help in the repair of different parts of your brain to delay the progression of Parkinson’s. These two steps are highly focused on detoxification and dopamine, and this section provides you with all of the information, remedies, advice, and evidence-based strategies to do both. It comes with delicious food lists and recipes that support the detoxification process, lists of dopamine-boosting superfoods, tips for incorporating them into your diet to boost your body’s natural dopamine production and practical tips to maximize the benefits of dopamine overall.
Part 4: 12 Daily Habits to Delay Parkinson’s
In part four, you receive a powerful list of 12 simple daily habits that can improve your condition. Each habit is easy enough that it can be added into your daily routine. For example, one of these habits focuses on the importance of consuming at least two portions of cruciferous vegetables daily to provide your body with valuable nutrients and antioxidants. Another habit is all about prioritizing a good night’s sleep so you get at least 8 hours of restful sleep each night.
All of these daily habits aim to minimize your exposure to various factors that have been scientifically linked to the development of Parkinson’s.
Additional Resources
At the end, you’re provided with additional resources to further help you implement the things you’ve learned. These can be found in the eight appendices, which are:
- A Healthier Brain is Within Your Reach
- Appendix 1: 13 Brain-Loving Recipes
- Kitchen Hacks
- Fresh Start – Restock Your Kitchen
- Recipes
- Appendix 2: Tips to Detox from Dietary and Environmental Toxins
- Appendix 3: Powerful Antioxidants and Where to Find Them
- Appendix 4: Dopamine-Boosting Nutrients and Where to Find Them
- Appendix 5: List of Healthy Alternatives to Sugar and Refined Carbs
- Appendix 6: List of Healthiest Fasts
- Appendix 7: Simple Exercises to Increase Strength and Flexibility
- Appendix 8: Additional Evidence-Based Strategies to Boost Your Dopamine Levels

The Verdict
Advantages of the Program
- Based on scientific evidence and clinical studies that have found a direct link between dopamine and the nerve and muscle cells responsible for movement.
- Provides you with evidence-based strategies that have been proven to effectively minimize symptoms and slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease.
- Consists of a 100% natural approach that is highly focused on making healthy and positive changes in your diet and lifestyle.
- Helps repair and rejuvenate specific areas of the brain that may have been damaged by Parkinson’s disease.
- Can be used by anyone looking to prevent or manage Parkinson’s naturally.
- Digital version allows you to use the program right on your tech device.
- Backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can try it out, risk-free.
Disadvantages of the Program
The Parkinson’s Protocol is a digital program, so it gets downloaded onto your smartphone, tablet or computer instead of shipped directly to your doorstep. This comes with many advantages, such as instant access and easy use right on your tech device, but it also means there is no hardcopy version. You can, however, download and print the guide off from your home to serve as an excellent alternative (and still avoid shipping costs).
The Parkinson’s Protocol is a comprehensive four-part program designed to help people dealing with Parkinson’s reclaim control over their lives and health by alleviating symptoms and slowing down the progression of the disease naturally. The approach is rooted in natural methods and equips you with all of the knowledge, remedies, recipes and steps needed to put your newfound knowledge into action. It also comes with 12 simple and evidence-based strategies that can boost your dopamine levels daily, which has been found to significantly improve the functioning of nerve and muscle cells involved in movement. In fact, the program is infused with clinical studies and evidence-based strategies and even comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can see what it’s all about, risk-free.

The Parkinson’s Protocol is a 100% natural remedy that is highly based on clinical studies and evidence-based strategies that involve making simple lifestyle and diet change to boost dopamine production. If you do have any concerns, you may wish to speak with your doctor before getting started. However, there is a money back guarantee that allows you to try it out for 60 days.
Since the program is completely natural, it shouldn’t interfere with any medication you may be taken. However, it is important to check for any potential interactions between the recommended ingredients and your specific medications. You can do so by reviewing this medical report on food and drink interactions or by speaking with your doctor.
There is a portion dedicated to simple exercises that only require a couple of minutes each day. They can also be done right in the comfort of your own home and they are optional.
All of the material is digital but you can always download and print the manual off from your home to serve as your personal hardcopy.
Since the focus of the program is all on making natural, positive changes in your diet and lifestyle, it should certainly be safe for all ages.
Jodi Knapp has also created The Hypothyroidism Solution, Neuropathy No More and 3 Step Type 2 Diabetes Strategy.