Why Men Pull Away Review

Why Men Pull Away is the ultimate guide for women who are struggling to find and keep a relationship, but have no idea why or what to do to make their love life happen. It’s for women who want to learn and develop new, beneficial ways to interact in relationships, so they can get the relationship they want. And it’s for women who are left baffled by the things men say and do. If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place. Relationships fail all the time, but when your relationships are constantly going down the drain, there’s likely a reason. Now, I’m not saying you’re the problem or even that men are the problem. Typically, it’s just a case of misunderstanding and not knowing what to do or how to react to certain situations. Well, this program is designed to give you the inside scoop on men, so you can understand why they do the things they do. Why Men Pull Away is a comprehensive program designed for women who need some extra help in the dating and relationship field. It teaches you all about the male perspective and how you can use expert tips and non-manipulative approaches and activities to grab the reins and get exactly what you want in your love life.

Why Men Pull Away Review


What is Why Men Pull Away?

Ladies, if you’re left scratching your head wondering what the heck happened or why you were ghosted, you aren’t alone. Men do all kinds of things that make us wonder what is wrong with us or what we did wrong. But here’s the secret: the problem isn’t you. The problem isn’t the guy either. It’s the situation.

Why Men Pull Away is a comprehensive, online dating and relationship program designed exclusively to empower women in ways that can completely transform their love life. Its foundation is to provide women with the inside scoop on how men think, so they can have a better understanding of how to navigate through different situations. Unlike other programs, this one isn’t about changing who you are or adjusting your standards or anything like that. It is all about seeing things from a man’s perspective, so you know what to do to get the result and response you want.

And don’t worry ladies; the program guides you along the entire process with thoroughly-researched information, fun activities, self-reflection tools, exercises and much more. Each is infused with expert advice that can transform your dating game.

The program is separated into four parts for easy, organized reading. Each part covers a new realm of topics, but they are designed to be followed consecutively as one builds the foundation for the next. I’ll get into the nitty gritty in a moment but for now, here’s a quick look at what those parts are:

  • Part One: Making Your Man User-Friendly: Understanding the Male Mind Before You Do Anything Else
  • Part Two: How To Get Him To Focus On You By Giving Him What He Doesn’t Even Realize He Needs
  • Part Three: Things That Drive Men Away
  • Part Four:  How To Bring Him Closer

The program also comes with some extra bonuses that you get when you purchase Why Men Pull Away. These bonuses are totally free too:

  • Free Bonus #1: Communication Secrets for a Strong Long-term Relationship
  • Free Bonus #2: Interviews with Men
  • Free Bonus #3: How to Reignite and Maintain Long-Term Attraction

Everything from the program to the bonuses are digital, so you receive immediate access and can get started right away. You just download the materials as an iBook, Kindle, PDF or audio format right onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer and you’re ready to go. You can also skip the download and use the program online.

download page preview
A preview of the program’s download page.

The program is backed by an abundance of research and studies, and also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can try it out risk-free.

Who Created Why Men Pull Away?

Slade Shaw is the creator of Why Men Pull Away. He has worked as a professional dating coach for many years and is the owner of Meet Your Sweet, which is an online platform for dating and relationship advice and coaching. Slade commonly teams up with other professionals within the industry to create powerful guides that help people get the love they want.  

Quick Overview of Why Men Pull Away

Why Men Pull Away is a synergistic dating and relationship program created for women who are ready to take the reins and take control of their love life. It’s a comprehensive program that brings advice from dating coach Amy Waterman from 000Relationships, as well as Mirabelle Summers and Andrew Rusbatch from SaveMyMarriageToday.

Throughout the program, you learn how to understand men’s seemingly unexplainable behavior, so you can learn effective ways to address situations. The things you learn in this program can be used for all situations that involve men. It provides you with expert advice and guidance, as well as fun exercises, activities, self-reflection questions, dating tools, relationship techniques and much more.

Here’s a more detailed look:

  1. Introduction: Why You’re Here
  2. The Palaeolithic Principle and The Dream Girl Factor
  3. Part One: Making Your Man User-Friendly: Understanding the Male Mind Before You Do Anything Else
    • Commitment 101: What is Commitment, Anyway?
    • If You Need Help Right Now
    • What Do You Want From This Relationship?
    • Exercise: Create 5 SMART Goals You Want From Your Partner
    • Find Out What He Really Thinks: How to Talk to Him About Commitment, Closeness and Your Future Together
    • Are Your Hopes for the Relationship Unreasonable?
    • How to Tell When You’re on the Right Track
    • Navigating the 5 Stages of Commitment: How to Get From “Hello” to “We’re Soulmates” in 5 Easy Steps
  4. Part Two: How to Give Him to Focus on You By Giving Him What He Doesn’t Even Realize He Needs
    • What Makes a Man Fall In Love?
    • “But My Guy Already Knows How Much I Love Him, and He’s Still Pulling Away!”
    • 5 Ways to Talk to Him About Your Relationship to Keep Things Moving Forward
  5. Part Three: Things That Drive Men Away
    • Nagging: Henpecking That Man Right Out Of Your Life
    • Why Is He So Grumpy? Why Men Go Into “The Cave” and How to Bring Him Back Out
    • Argue Like a Dreamgirl Instead of Fighting Like a Shrew
    • Why Do Men Cheat? How To “Other-Woman-Proof” Your Own Relationship
    • What If He’s a Work Addict?
    • What He’s Secretly Afraid Of (That’s Making Him Pull Away)
  6. Part Four: How To Bring Him Closer
    • What Makes a Man Start Thinking About Forever?
    • Keeping the Relationship Thriving
    • Works Cited

You also receive three free bonus programs, which are:

  • Free Bonus #1: Communication Secrets For a Strong Long-Term Relationship
  • Free Bonus #2: Interviews with Men
  • Free Bonus #3: How to Reignite and Maintain Long-Term Attraction
Manual's table of contents
A look at the program manual’s table of contents.

Our Opinion

Advantages of the Program

Getting the inside scoop on men and understanding the different behaviours and perspectives so you can create healthier dating and relationship habits is definitely a top benefit of using Why Men Pull Away. It fills you with knowledge you never knew you were missing (hence why relationships were failing). I loved how it doesn’t make you feel bad, shamed, embarrassed or guilty. Instead, the program empowers you to simply become the best version of yourself (with an extra side of secret weapons). I also really liked how the activities and exercises are thoroughly researched and non-manipulative. No head games here.

Having the program downloaded right onto your tech devices is another major advantage, especially when you randomly run into the guy you’re currently dealing with. And of course, you can’t go wrong with the Money Back Guarantee if it doesn’t align with you.

Disadvantages of the Program

The program really covers everything from all perspectives and even comes in a variety of different downloadable files, such as Kindle, iBook, PDF, and audio. But it would be cool if they also offered the option to get a physical version for anyone who would prefer to lug around a massive “Why Men Pull Away” book.


Why Men Pull Away is an empowering program designed exclusively for women who need a little extra help in their dating life or relationship. It can be used whether you’re single, on the verge of a breakup or wanting to repair your marriage, or any other dating or relationship situation you may find yourself in. The program is filled with thoroughly-researched knowledge, expert advice and awesome techniques that help you create long-lasting love. And you can get started right away!

download why men pull away pdf


Does the program come in a hardcopy?

The program is entirely digital, so you can access it online or on your personal tech devices, such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop, kindle, desktop – you get the picture. However, if you wanted a physical version, you could always download the PDF and print it off at home.

How will I know if I’m doing the techniques right?

In the manual, you receive detailed information and steps for the techniques provided. You learn how and why the techniques work and you also get examples of real life scenarios and situations that teach you when and how you would use each technique, so you’ll know exactly what to do.

Is there a discount?

Any discounts offered would be announced on the program’s official website. However, it is already reasonably priced, so extra discounts aren’t commonly offered.

Does the author offer any consultation or personal advice?

Yes, you can contact the author in the contact page by selecting “Member’s Consultation” under the dropdown box. Here, you can type out your message and send it to Slade and his team.member consultation screenshot

What if I have a question or issue with the program?

On the contact page, you will find a variety of FAQs, as well as a contact form where you can send a message. Alternative, you can drop us a comment down below and we’ll see what we can do to help you.


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(as of 23rd July 2024)