Neuropathy Revolution Review

Neuropathy Revolution is an online holistic program designed to teach people how to permanently heal all types of neuropathy naturally using a powerful 7-step holistic regime. When you receive an initial neuropathy diagnosis, it can be terrifying. Neuropathy is a serious condition that can result in agonizing pain, debilitating depression, increased anxiety and ultimately, feeling like you’ve lost complete control of your life and happiness. And while there’s no denying that your diagnosis should be taken seriously, it’s important to recognize that you are still very much in control of your health and life. But you do have to be willing to make some changes. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to undergo any invasive surgeries or pay a recurring fee for expensive therapies. Studies show that although 30% of all people with neuropathy are over 65, the main contributing factors are lifestyle and health status – not age. This means that you can improve your condition and even reverse neuropathy for good by following a healing regime that focuses your lifestyle and health. Neuropathy Revolution is a 7-step holistic program that teaches you simple steps you can take to begin tackling neuropathy at its source to heal and eliminate it once and for all. It is 100% natural and can be used by anyone dealing with peripheral neuropathy.  No extra equipment is needed and you can do it all right in the comfort of your own home.  

Neuropathy Revolution Review


What is Neuropathy Revolution?

Despite conventional treatments and medications being “the norm”, they aren’t necessarily the most effective treatment options. Many are designed to mask your symptoms, instead of getting to the root cause of the problem to heal and eliminate them for good. Not only that but conventional treatment options are typically expensive and unnatural, meaning they come with a long list of potential side effects for both your bank account and health. Add in the fact that studies have proven your health status to be a main contributing factor in your condition, and it doesn’t make sense to take unnatural substances and pills that can hinder that.

Neuropathy Revolution is an online holistic program designed to help people diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy learn an effective, natural system that gets to the root cause of your symptoms to permanently eliminate neuropathy. It’s a comprehensive system that uses a holistic approach, meaning all factors are taken into consideration for your healing. This includes mental and emotional factors, environmental and social factors, lifestyle habits, stress management, mindset and so much more.  The approach is 100% natural and it consists of making simple changes in these areas of your life to begin healing at the source. Yes, it really is that easy. However, most regimes give you a generalized idea of what you should be doing without ever guiding you through the process. With Neuropathy Revolution, it is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to regain control of your health and happiness again.

The program is digital, meaning you receive instant access as soon as you purchase and can start healing your body and nervous system straight away to finally break free from neuropathy symptoms. To begin, you simply download the digital eBook onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer for quick and convenient access wherever your days take you. It also comes with lifetime updates and a one-on-one consultation with the author of the program.

In addition to this, you also receive a free copy of The Diabetes Protocol. This might sound like a strange “extra” at first but studies show approximately 70% of all diabetic patients suffer from some form of neuropathy. And it’s free, so you can choose whether or not you’d like to use it.

download page
A look at the program’s download page and what you can expect.

The program is backed by an abundance of credible sources and studies, and also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can try it out risk-free for two months.  You have nothing to lose.

Who Created Neuropathy Revolution?

The author of Neuropathy Revolution is former neuropathy sufferer, Mark Fellers. Mark battled neuropathy for many years using conventional treatments. However, upon finding a holistic regime, he was able to drastically reduce his pain and suffering. With further research and guidance from holistic practitioners, Mark was able to free himself of all neuropathy symptoms entirely.

Quick Overview of Neuropathy Revolution

Neuropathy Revolution is a powerful, 7-step holistic program that teaches you how to eliminate debilitating neuropathic pain naturally and permanently. It comes with an abundance of incredible information that serves as your ultimate guide to understanding neuropathy. This comes complete with self-tests and checklists that help you understand and identify the symptoms you’re dealing with, as well as detailed natural remedies, exercise guides, food lists, supplement and nutrition recommendations, relaxation techniques, stress management tools, and so much more that show you how to heal, reverse and prevent neuropathy.

Then, all of this is put together in a 7-step holistic regime, so you can easily implement the simple changes into your daily life.  to incorporate them into your daily life.

Here’s a more detailed look at what you can expect as a whole:

  • Chapter One: Introduction
    • About This Book
    • How This Book is Organized
    • My Story
    • The Holistic 7-Step Neuropathy Solution
  • Chapter Two: All About Peripheral Neuropathy
    • What is Peripheral Neuropathy
    • What Kind of Neuropathy Do You Have?
      • MonoNeuropathy
      • PolyNeuropathy
      • Mononeuritis Multiplex
      • Autonomic Neuropathy
      • Proximal Neuropathy
      • Focal Neuropathy
      • Neuritis
    • How Neuropathy Develops and Occurs
    • Myths and Misconceptions About Neuropathy
    • The Real Cause of Neuropathy
      • Trauma
      • Medical Conditions
      • Genetics
      • Exposure to Toxins
    • Neurotoxins Especially Dangerous to Nerves
      • Vitamin Deficiencies
    • The Link Between Diabetes and Neuropathy
    • The Link Between Nutrition and Neuropathy
    • Chemotherapy and Neuropathy
    • Hypertension and Neuropathy
    • Does Your Age Affect Neuropathy?
    • Risk Factors for Neuropathy
    • Who Develops Neuropathy
      • Statistics
    • Complications of Neuropathy
    • Surgical Procedures
  • Chapter Three: Diagnosing and Evaluating Your Unique Neuropathy Condition
    • The Signs and Symptoms of Neuropathy
    • Symptoms Checklist and Self-Test
    • Diagnosing Neuropathy
      • The Physical Exam
    • Tests for Neuropathy
    • Related Medical Disorders
    • Medical Disorders That Mimic Neuropathy
  • Chapter Four: Conventional Treatment for Neuropathy and Their Consequences
    • Prescription Pain Relievers
    • Over-The-Counter Medications
    • Other Treatments for Neuropathy
  • Chapter Five: The 7-Step System for Reversing Neuropathy
    • Step #1: Mindset and Transmutation – A Vital Component to Healing
      • How Your Mind Works
      • Four Steps to Creating a Healing Mindset
      • Transmutation
    • Step #2: Footwear and Electrotherapy to Reverse Neuropathy
      • What is Electrotherapy
      • Devices
      • rTMS for Nerve Pain
      • Cheap TENS Units
      • Medical-Grade TENS Units
      • Myodynamic Device
      • Magnetic Stimulation
    • Step #3: The Anti-Neuropathy Diet and Nutrition Program (Based on the Tsimane of the Amazon)
      • The Upgraded Food Pyramid Combined with Amazonian Knowledge
      • Complex B Vitamins
      • Omega Fatty Acids
      • Foods to Avoid When You Suffer From Neuropathy
      • So What Should You Eat?
      • Foods That Fight Inflammation
      • Super Seeds to the Rescue
    • Step #4: Boosting Immunity and Nutritional Supplementation for Neuropathy
      • The Link Between Neuropathy and the Immune System
      • Fighting Neuropathy Naturally with Nutritional Supplements and Remedies
    • Step #5: Metal Detoxification to Fight Neuropathy
      • Toxins That Can Cause Peripheral Neuropathy
      • The 3-Phase Heavy Metal Detox Protocol
        • Phase #1: Getting Ready for Detoxification
        • Phase #2: Integrate Additional Steps to Support Detoxification
        • Phase #3: The Bentonite Clay Detox
      • Step #6: Specific Neuropathy-Relieving Exercises and Massage
        • Weight Training
        • Cardiovascular Exercises
        • The Benefits of Massage in Treating Neuropathy
        • How Massage Therapy Works
        • Types of Massage Therapy
      • Step #7: Relaxation Techniques, Sleep, Mind, Yoga and Spirituality Protocols
        • The Link Between Stress and Nerve Pain
        • Recognizing The Role Your Emotions Play in Your Condition
        • You May Be Your Own Worst Enemy
        • Watch Out For Good Feelings
        • Learning to Keep Your Emotions From Affecting Your Health
        • Changing Your Thoughts – Learning to Think Right
        • Relaxation Techniques to the Rescue
        • Detecting Stress in Your Life
        • Cutting Back on Non-Essential Responsibilities
        • Make a To-Do List for a More Efficient Schedule
        • Accept Your Limitations
        • Learn to Say No
        • Remove Yourself from Stressful Situations
        • Relaxation Therapy to the Rescue
        • Dealing with Life Stressors
        • Using Biofeedback to Break the Cycle
        • Meditating, Yoga and Prayer
        • Further Reading Suggestions
        • Controlling Your Emotions
        • Using Food to Boost Your Mental Health and Outlook on Life
      • Appendix 1: Alternative Therapies
      • Appendix 2: FAQ
      • Glossary of Terms
      • Links, Sources and Supporting Research
Table of Contents
The program manual’s table of contents.

Our Opinion

Advantages of the Program

Being able to heal your symptoms and even reverse neuropathy naturally and permanently is inarguably the greatest advantage of using Neuropathy No More. It’s also holistic, so it takes all factors into consideration, which is so important because rarely is anything caused by solely one factor. This allows for comprehensive, well-rounded treatment from all angles.  

Seeing all of the case studies, studies and statistics throughout the program that support the things you’re learning is another amazing benefit, as you know that the effort you put in has proven to work. Plus, you get two months to try it out with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, which is another extra dose of reassurance and confidence.

The digital version also comes with an abundance of convenience, as everything is readily available to you right on your personal tech devices.  

Disadvantages of the Program

There isn’t anything that comes to mind in terms of content and quality. Neuropathy Revolution covers it all. Although, it would be neat if you had the option to download the PDF eBook in audio format.


Neuropathy Revolution is a comprehensive 7-step holistic program designed to help people heal, reverse and prevent nearly all types of neuropathy naturally and permanently. It’s quite simple with all the tools, remedies and protocols put into a ready-to-use guide and you can even try it out risk-free with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

download neuropathy revolution PDF


Is there a hardcopy version of the program?

The program is entirely digital, so you receive instant access and convenient access wherever you go, as long as you have your tech device with you. Alternatively, you could also download and print the PDF eBook off at home to have a physical version.

Is the program safe?

Yes, the program should be safe for anyone to use as it focuses on a 100% holistic approach. However, like with anything, if you have any underlying health conditions or are on medication, you may wish to consult your health practitioner first.

Does the program cover all types of neuropathy?

The program can be used for nearly all types of neuropathy, including but not limited to mononeuropathy, polyneuropathy, mononeuritis multiplex, autonomic, proximal, focal and neuritis. You also learn how to identify and classify your case accordingly.

Does the 7-step system involve any exotic herbs or supplements?

No. All of the ingredients listed in the program are common, affordable and can be found at your local grocery store or online.

If I have a question, where can I contact the author?

On the download page, you’ll see a “Need Support” section, where you can call or submit an email for support. You can also leave a comment down below and we’ll do our best to assist you.


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(as of 23rd July 2024)