The Erectile Mastery Program is an online male enhancement program designed to help men learn a natural and effective way to eliminate erectile dysfunction, so they can restore youthful, hard erections. Erectile dysfunction is something that 41.6% of men over the age of 40 deal with, according to studies. Unfortunately, prescription medications only help 1/3rd of the problem because they only address the physical side of things to provide you with temporary results (if any). Then, you have all of those weird tingling creams, pumps and contraptions that also only provide temporary, one-off results. They’re also expensive and uncomfortable. Add in the fact that studies have shown that almost all male enhancement products contain harmful substances, and it seems crazy to spend all of that money for temporary relief that can also harm you. There is another option though and The Erectile Mastery Program teaches you how to tackle erectile dysfunction from all angles for a comprehensive, natural and effective treatment. It’s designed for all men dealing with any type of erectile dysfunction and you don’t have to use any weird pumps or exotic supplements either.

What is The Erectile Mastery Program?
What’s the first thing we do when we realize our “man downstairs” isn’t performing as well as he should? We go to the pharmacy. We pick up tingling creams. Vibrating rings. Pumps, pills and whatever other contraption or prescription we can get our hands on. The problem with all of these is that none of them actually address the root cause of erectile dysfunction. Even the prescription medications your doctor recommends only helps with 1/3rd of the issue. So, you get some temporary relief for short-term pleasure, but then you’re back to struggling with all of the ED symptoms. And here’s the thing: erectile dysfunction produces all kinds of emotional and mental symptoms that male enhancement drugs and tools never address, which can destroy your self-esteem overtime.
The Erectile Mastery Program is a powerful program designed to help men learn how to eradicate all forms of erectile dysfunction for good by tackling the mental, emotional and physical causes. It’s a comprehensive program that is separated into an 8-part system that teaches you natural methods that target erectile dysfunction from all angles, so you can restore hard, youthful erections.
With this program, you’ll be using a series of exercises to release emotional, mental and physical tension that cause ED. Here’s a quick look at the eight parts that make up the regime:
- Part 1: PC Muscle Exercises
- Part 2: Pelvic Release Exercises
- Part 3: The Lama Exercises
- Part 4: Walking
- Part 5: Breathing Exercises
- Part 6: Psychological Exercises
- Part 7: Relaxation Exercises
- Part 8: Awareness Exercises
All of these exercises are strategically planned and placed so that they increase the blood flow and energy balance throughout your entire body. The first five parts are designed to address the physical side of erectile dysfunction and the next two parts focus on the underlying emotional (and mental) causes. The last part is a little extra bonus that combines what you’ve learned and puts it into exercises you can use in the bedroom.
Now, you may be thinking that that’s a lot of exercises to do but you only need to pick one or two exercises from each part (except for part 2 as you’ll want to do all of the exercises in succession). It’s recommended that you do this every day for a minimum of 10-14 days to start removing the underlying, root causes of your erectile dysfunction. The good news is the exercises only take a couple of minutes to do and you can do them right in the comfort of your own home as everything is digital.
You receive instant access as soon as you purchase and can download the material onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer. This immediately avoids the awkwardness of having an erectile dysfunction arriving on your doorstep. This also ensures you can easily do the program each day, as everything is readily available to you on your tech devices. It also keeps the program private and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. Alternatively, there is an option to get a physical version of the program for the extra cost of printing.
In addition to the program, you also receive some hypnosis audios for free. These are separate from the main program, but they can help tackle a variety of things that can affect your ED, such as smoking, stress, confidence, etc.
The program also comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, which gives you two months to try it out, risk-free. This is ample time since you only need a minimum of 14 days for the results to start showing.
Who Created The Erectile Mastery Program?
Christian Goodman is creator of The Erectile Mastery Program. Christian is a renowned natural health researcher and the CEO of Blue Heron Health News. He is a contributing author in many natural health reports and articles, and has also created several natural health programs that tackle a vast array of health issues.
Quick Overview of The Erectile Mastery Program
The Erectile Mastery Program is a superior male enhancement program that teaches you how to eradicate all types of erectile dysfunction at the core, so you can heal impotence for good. It’s 100% natural and consists of completing simple exercises that address the physical, emotional and mental causes of ED. The program comes with all the information, steps, detailed instructions, diagrams and photos so you can easily start restoring “the big guy” downstairs.
Here’s a more detailed look:
- How to Use the Program
- The Cause of Erectile Dysfunction
- Little Time to Practice
- Part One: PC Muscle Exercises
- What Are The PC Muscles?
- PC 1: Pumping the Front
- PC 2: Pumping the Back
- PC 3: Lifting the Testicles
- PC 4: Fluttering
- Part Two: The Hip Release Exercise
- Method 1
- Method 2
- Method 3
- Method 4
- Part Three: The Five Exercises from the Himalayas
- Lama 1
- Lama 2
- Lama 3
- 24
- Lama 4
- Lama 5
- Part Four: Walking
- Part Five: Breathing Exercises
- Relaxed Breathing
- Exhaling All The Air
- Breathing Through Mouth and Nose
- Part Six: Psychological Exercises
- The 1-2 Rule
- Positive Talking
- Realize Your Joy
- Talking Things Out
- Part Seven: Relaxation Exercises
- Doing Nothing
- Relaxing Step-By-Step
- Part Eight: Awareness Exercises
- How to Practice the Awareness Exercises
- Single Awareness Exercises
- Exploring Your Pleasure
- Spreading the Sexual Energy
- Rocking the Steps
- Rocking the Steps Pt. 2
- The Reverse Focus
- What to Do Next as a Single Master
- Partner Awareness Exercises
- Discussing and Setting the Rules
- Exploring Each Other
- Pleasuring Her
- Partner Reverse Focus
- Penetration
- How to Practice the Awareness Exercises

Our Opinion
Advantages of the Program
The first advantage that I certainly appreciated was that The Erectile Mastery Program is 100% natural and doesn’t involve using any weird pumps, pills, supplements or tingling creams. I’ve wasted far too much money on these things already, so it was nice to see that they aren’t involved. Secondly, I really enjoyed how easy and straightforward the program is. It gives you the information you need and then, it dives right into the action, which is what you want.
The digital copy is another advantage that can’t be beat. You don’t have to worry about carrying around an ED book or having one hanging around the house or god forbid, someone finding it. Instead, everything gets downloaded right onto your private tech devices or you can access the materials online. There is an option to get a physical copy if you really want one though.
Also, being able to try the program out for two months with the money back guarantee is great.
Disadvantages of the Program
There aren’t any disadvantages that come to mind. The program covers it all and comes with detailed instructions so you know exactly what to do. If I had to pick something, I would maybe suggest a printable chart or calendar. Although, this would take away from the program being discrete, which is one of the major benefits.
The Erectile Mastery Program is a powerful male enhancement program that teaches you a natural regime that eradicates all types of erectile dysfunction by tackling it at the root cause. It can be used by any man dealing with any form or level of erectile dysfunction, no matter their age. The 8-part system is really easy to understand and implement, and you can try it out risk-free with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.
Yes, the program should be safe for all ages as the focus is on using light exercises (physical and mental), and awareness. However, just like with anything, if you have an underlying health condition or are on medication, it is best to consult your health practitioner first.
No, the program does not involve anything diet-related. There is zero use of a specialized diet plan, detoxing, or exotic herbs or supplements.
The program is entirely digital, which allows for instant access and private access as you can download the materials onto your personal tech devices. There is an option to get a hardcopy, which you’ll find in the member’s download page. You can also print it at the privacy of your own home.
Yes, Christian Goodman is a well-renowned author in the natural health industry. He has created several successful programs, including The Brain Booster, Weight Loss Breeze, The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program, The TMJ Solution, Blood Pressure Program, Vertigo and Dizziness Program, Natural Migraine and Headache Relief Program, and Overthrowing Anxiety.
You can send a message to Christian Goodman and his team from their website’s contact page. You can also leave us a message below and we will help you out as best as we can.