The Fat Shrinking Signal Review

The Fat Shrinking Signal is an online, 21-day program that shows you how to turn off any hidden hormonal disorder and turn on your body’s natural fat-burning properties while also shaping and toning your body, with only 10 minutes each day. Yes, you read that right. You don’t have to do hours of cardio or follow a super restrictive diet to lose weight and get in shape. New studies suggest that there are hormones in the body that can help or hurt your weight loss efforts, simply by boosting or decreasing metabolism without affecting appetite. These studies also confirm that there are specific workouts that can help with leptin resistance to improve weight loss. And well, that’s what this program is all about.

The Fat Shrinking Signal gives you daily follow-along workout videos for the course of 21 days that are designed to help you get the tight and trim figure you want without all of the “dieting” nonsense. The movements are designed to activate the most powerful fat-burning sensors in the body to give you the results you want, and you only need 10 minutes a day!

The Fat Shrinking Signal Review


What is The Fat Shrinking Signal?

Hormones play a major role in your weight and many people don’t realize this. However, the reality is that a hormonal imbalance can cause a decrease in your metabolism and cause weight gain. On the other hand, balanced hormones can increase metabolism, boost leptin resistance and promote fairly effortless weight loss and that’s what this program is all about.

The Fat Shrinking Signal is an online program designed to help people shed weight and tone their body with quick, short and strategic 10-minute workouts that help activate the body’s natural fat-burning properties and hormones. It’s highly based on studies confirming that certain workouts can enable leptin resistance to help with weight loss, as leptin is a hormone that controls hunger and signals to the brain regarding when it’s time to burn food for fat.

With this program, you receive a 21-day system that teaches you strategic 10-minute workouts to do to lose weight and boost your health, without having to follow a strict diet, count calories or spend hours doing intense cardio each week. The program is designed so that you can do it right at home and without the use of any gym equipment, making it a viable option for many people. The movements involved aren’t strenuous and can be done using your own bodyweight. There are also low-impact alternatives you can do! Each of the days that make up the program comes with its own video, so you can easily follow along and start turning on those natural fat-burning sensors.

Now, since you’ll be following a 21-day system with The Fat Shrinking Signal, you’ll be happy to know that everything is digital. This means you can access the program immediately after purchase and get started on day one. You can also choose to download the materials onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer for access on-the-go. So, instead of carrying around a bunch of DVDs (yes, these still exist!) or books, you just have to have your tech device and the program is right there for you anytime, anywhere. This is particularly beneficial if you will be traveling in the next 21 days, have a busy schedule and need to squeeze a workout in anywhere you can, or simply like to change up where you do your exercise.

The program is also backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, which means you can try the entire system out risk-free for two months. This means you can complete the regime two times over again before deciding if the results you’re seeing are worth it. Keep in mind, you only need to spend 10 minutes a day to do these workouts! If you’re still a little unsure, proof is in the pudding. By this I mean that there are numerous studies supporting the method and science supporting this program’s approach.

Who Created The Fat Shrinking Signal?

The author of The Fat Shrinking Signal is a certified and licensed personal trainer, turbulence trainer, fat loss specialist and public speaker, Derek Wahler. Derek has worked in the fitness industry for many years and runs his own fitness bootcamp designed to help people lose weight with short, quick workouts. You can find him on social media and on many fitness websites and blogs to learn more about him and his unique approach to fitness and fat loss.

Quick Overview of The Fat Shrinking Signal

The Fat Shrinking Signal is a comprehensive fitness program that provides you with a 21-day workout plan designed to activate the most important fat-burning signals in your body to promote quick, healthy and sustainable weight loss. It works by using a series of specific exercises designed to boost leptin resistance, a hormone that controls your hunger and signals to the brain about when to eat/burn food for energy. It’s highly based on studies that have confirmed certain workouts help with leptin resistance, and all you have to do is a quick, 10-minute exercise.

The program is designed so that it can be done at home without the use of any gym equipment. Instead, it uses your own bodyweight.

As for the regime, each day is separated into its own video for easy following. Each video comes with visual and verbal cues that guide you through the entire workout, and you receive a video every day, other than the “rest days” which typically follow 2 workouts. For example, day 1 and day 2 are exercise days and day 3 would be a rest day. 

You can also contact the author to request modifications if you have an injury or need simpler alternatives to the movements used. Otherwise, the type of exercises you can expect to do consist of movements, such as:

  • Jumping jacks
  • Push-ups
  • Squats
  • Leg lifts
  • Lunges
The Fat Shrinking Signal Download Page
A look at The Fat Shrinking Signal’s download page.
This is where you will access the program’s materials.

For the rest days, it’s recommended to do 30 minutes of light activity, such as walking, stretching, playing with your kids, etc. Here’s a more detailed look at what you can expect from each day:

  • Bodyweight Warm-Up
  • Day 1 Workout: Lean
    • 4 different exercises, 10 styles for 20 seconds, and 20 seconds of rest
  • Day 2 Workout: Trim
    • 3 different exercise movements, first 2 for 30 seconds and the final one for 60 seconds for a cardio kick, 3 rounds
    • Then, 3 new exercises for 2 rounds
  • Day 3 Rest Day
  • Day 4 Workout: Six Pack Abs           
    • 2 exercises for 30 seconds, 30 second rest, 5 rounds
  • Day 5 Workout: Shock Your System
    • 4 exercises following the 20-10 approach
  • Day 6 Rest Day
  • Day 7 Workout: Upper Lower Split
    • 2 workouts with 1 minute break in between
  • Day 8 Workout: Metabolic Shocker
    • 4 exercises, 1 rep of each exercise, then 2 reps, 3 reps, and so on and so forth
  • Day 9 Rest Day
  • Day 10 Workout: Total Body Blitz
    • 5 exercises for an entire minute, 2 rounds
    • Advanced workout
  • Day 11 Workout: Bodyweight Blast
    • 20-10 style, 4 different exercises
  • Day 12 Rest Day
  • Day 13 Workout: Super Slimdown
    • 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest, 5 different exercises for 2 rounds
  • Day 14 Workout: Leg and Abs Sculptor
    • 5 exercises for 45 seconds, 15 second rest, 2 rounds
  • Day 15 Workout: Firecracker
    • 5 exercises
  • Day 16 Rest Day
  • Day 17 Workout: Fireburner
    • 5 exercises
  • Day 18 Workout: Elite Fit Club
    • 2 workouts
  • Day 19 Workout: Fat Incinerator
    • 4 exercises, 8 reps of each, then decrease down the ladder style
  • Day 20 Workout: Follow The Leader
    • 5 exercises
  • Day 21 Workout: Lean it Out
    • 4 different exercises, 20-10 style
  • Bonus Workout: Do This After Each Workout For Faster Results
  • Cool Down

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program

  • The program only takes 10 minutes a day to complete
  • Designed to help you tone and shape your body while shedding weight
  • You don’t need access to a gym or any gym equipment
  • The entire system can be done at home and without the use of any extra equipment as it uses your own bodyweight
  • Follows a practical, realistic workout regime that can easily fit into a busy schedule
  • Daily workouts are separated into day-by-day sections for easy following
  • Digital access allows you to use the program anytime, anywhere and the materials can be downloaded directly to your personal tech devices, such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer
  • The program is backed by a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee which allows you to try the system out risk-free for two months
  • Created by a certified and licensed fitness professional
  • Studies and research show that specific exercises can help with weight loss by improving leptin resistance
  • No strenuous exercise is required, as all of the exercises are fairly simple

Disadvantage of the Program

The Fat Shrinking Signal is a digital program, meaning that everything is available to you immediately after purchase and can be accessed online or downloaded onto your phone or computer for access on-the-go. However, this also means that a physical hardcopy does not get mailed out to you. Instead, everything is available to you right on your tech devices vs. having a bunch of DVDs and guides to carry around.


The Fat Shrinking Signal is a simple 21-day program that teaches you a series of light exercises that are designed to help activate your body’s most important fat-burning sensors to promote quick, easy and almost effortless weight loss. The entire system can be done right in the comfort of your own home without the use of any gym equipment, and they only take 10 minutes a day to complete. It can be used by anyone, regardless of gender, weight or current activity level, and you can even give the program a try risk-free for two months with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

download the fat shrinking signal pdf


Can I get a hardcopy of the program?

Since The Fat Shrinking Signal is a digital program, there is no physical hardcopy that gets shipped to you. Instead, everything is available to you online and can be downloaded directly to your phone or computer to ensure you have the materials with you anytime, anywhere.

Will I need an active connection to the Internet to use the program?

For initial access, you will need an active Internet connection. However, you can download the videos to your personal tech devices moving forward so you can access them offline. If you intend on only using the program online (instead of downloading it), you will need an active internet connection to do so.

Is the method used safe?

The entire system focuses on a series of light exercises, so it should definitely be safe for anyone to use. Not only is the approach 100% natural but it doesn’t involve anything strenuous or super intense either. However, if you do have any concerns, health conditions or injuries, you may wish to speak with your doctor before getting started.

Are there any weird detoxes or supplements to take with this program?

Not at all. It’s all about light exercises that naturally align your hormones to promote healthy weight loss.

Will I need access to a gym or any equipment?

Nope. The exercises can all be performed at home with nothing more than your own bodyweight, as they mainly consist of light, static movements. They’re also super simple, so you should be able to do them without a spotter or assistance as well.

Who can I contact if I have any questions or concerns?

The author of the program can be reached via their official website. You can also drop us a message here and we will do our best to assist you.


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(as of 23rd July 2024)